Definition 2025
See also: भ्रम
भ्रम् • (bhram)
- cl.1 P. (Dhātup. xx, 20) भ्रमति (ep. also °ते) and cl.4 P. (xxvi, 96), भ्राम्यति (Pot. भ्रम्यात् PārGṛ. ; pf. बभ्राम, 3. pl. बभ्रमुः or भ्रेमुः MBh. Kāv. &c. ; fut. भ्रमिता Gr. ; भ्रमिष्यति MBh. ; aor. अभ्रमीत् ib. ; inf. भ्रमितुम् or भ्रान्तुम् MBh. Kāv. &c. ; ind.p. भ्रमित्वा, भ्रान्त्वा, -भ्राम्य ib.), to wander or roam about, rove, ramble (with देशम्, to wander through or over a country ; with भिक्षाम्, go about begging) MBh. Kāv. &c.
- to fly about (as bees) Kāv. Var.
- to roll about (as the eyes) Kāvyâd.
- to wag (as the tongue) ṠārṅgP.
- to quiver (as the fetus in the womb) BhP.
- to move to and fro or unsteadily, flicker, flutter, reel, totter ṠBr. Kālid. Pur.
- to move round, circulate, revolve (as stars) MBh. Hariv. Sūryas.
- to spread, be current (as news) Daṡ.
- to waver, be perplexed, doubt, err Bhag. Pur. Siddh. : Pass. aor. अभ्रामि (impers., with ते, ‘you have wandered or roamed about’) R. : Caus. भ्रामयति (mc. also °ते ; aor. अबिभ्रमत्: Pass. भ्राम्यते), to cause to wander or roam, drive or move about, agitate MBh. Kāv. &c.
- (with पटहम् or °ह-घोषणाम्), to move a drum about, proclaim by beat of drum Kathās.
- to cause to move or turn round or revolve, swing, brandish Up. MBh. Kāv. &c.
- to drive through (acc.) in a chariot Cat.
- to disarrange Kauṡ.
- to cause to err, confuse Hariv. MārkP.
- to move or roam about (aor. अबिभ्रमत् ; B. अबभ्रमत्) R. : Desid. बिभ्रमिषति Gr.: Intens. बम्भ्रमीति, बम्भ्रम्यते (also with pass. meaning) and बम्भ्रान्ति (only Gr.), to roam about repeatedly or frequently, wander through, circumambulate Hariv. Var. Ṡatr. [cf. Gk. βρέμω ; Lat. fremere ; Germ. bre0men, brimmen, brummen ; Eng. brim, brim-stone.]