Definition 2025



See also: agem



-agem f (plural -agens)

  1. Forms uncountable nouns, from verbs, meaning the practice of doing what is expressed by the verb.
    reciclar (to recycle) + -agemreciclagem (recycling)
    armazenar (to store) + -agemarmazenagem (storage)
  2. Forms nouns, from verbs, meaning the an instance of doing what is expressed by the verb.
    lavar (to wash) + -agemlavagem (a wash)
    filmar (to film) + -agemfilmagem (an instance of filming)
  3. Forms nouns, from nouns expressing a type of person, meaning attitude or an act expected from that kind of person.
    picareta (fraudster) + -agempicaretagem (fraud)
    caipira (hillbilly) + -agemcaipiragem (attitude of a hillbilly)
  4. Forms nouns, from nouns, meaning a collection of things; -age.
    ferro (iron) + -agemferragem (ironware)
    árbitro (referee) + -agemarbitragem (referees and umpires who attend a match)
  5. Forms nouns for concepts related to the suffixed word.
    por cento (percent) + -agemporcentagem (percentage)
    persona (persona) + -agempersonagem (character)


Usage notes

  • -agem also exists, not as a suffix, in words descending from a Latin word with -āginem (accusative singular of -āgō). For example: imagem, from imāginem.