Definition 2025
5@Sternum-FingerUp Contact
American Sign Language
Alternative forms
- 5@NearSternum-FingerUp 5@Sternum-FingerUp
- This one-handed ASL sign is produced as follows:
- Posture the dominant hand in the “5” handshape on the sternum, extended finger(s) of the dominant hand pointing up.
- Touch the thumb one or more times to the sternum.
Hold-move chart for 5@Sternum-FingerUp Contact
- The number of iterations, speed, angle of the hand, and distance moved from the sternum are variable and may be used for emphasis or to add certain frames, styles, or semantic overtones.
- Stokoe: []5<X‧
(ASL gloss: FINE)
- courteous; elegant; fancy; polite; refined; suave; urbane
- fine; satisfactory; wonderful
- BentB@BackFinger-PalmBack-BentB@CenterChesthigh-PalmBack C@Ulnar-PalmUp-C@CenterChesthigh-PalmUp 1@CenterChesthigh-TipFingerForward?
- HOW YOU? (“How are you?”)
- 1@Sternum-FingerBack 5@Sternum-FingerUp Contact
- ME FINE (“I’m fine.”)
- BentB@BackFinger-PalmBack-BentB@CenterChesthigh-PalmBack C@Ulnar-PalmUp-C@CenterChesthigh-PalmUp 1@CenterChesthigh-TipFingerForward?
Derived terms
- 5@Chest-ThumbBack Wiggle (“cool, swell”)