Definition 2025


Nīderlandes Karaliste


Nīderlande (Eiropā)
Nīderlandes karogs

Proper noun

Nīderlandes Karaliste f (5th declension)

  1. Kingdom of the Netherlands (official name of the Netherlands)
    Nīderlande, oficiālais nosaukums Nīderlandes Karaliste, ir Rietumeiropas valsts ― the Netherlands, official denomination: Kingdom of the Netherlands, is a country of Western Europe
    Nīderlandes Karalistes vēstniecība ― embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands


Usage notes

The name of the Netherlands in Latvian is Nīderlande, but, as in many languages, the term Holande is very often used as the name of the whole country, even though it should in principle only apply to the region of the two provinces of North Holland and South Holland (in Latvian, Ziemeļholande and Dienvidholande).
