Definition 2025


Open8@NearChest-PalmBack 8@NearChest-PalmBack Claw5@FromChest-PalmDown

American Sign Language


  • This one-handed ASL sign is produced with a “no” headshake or an expression of distaste:
    1. Posture the dominant hand in the “open 8” handshape within a few inches from the chest, dominant palm facing back.
    2. Draw the hand forward from the chest while closing the thumb and middle finger.
    3. Posture the dominant hand in the “8” handshape several inches from the chest, dominant palm facing back.
    4. Twist the hand downward while releasing the middle finger.
    5. Posture the dominant hand in the “claw 5” handshape several inches from the chest, dominant palm facing down.


(ASL gloss: DONT-LIKE)

  1. to dislike; not to like