Webster 1913 Edition
, on-
, the unaccented form of the accented prefix and-
(cf. Answer
); akin to D. ont-
, G. ent-
, OHG. int-
, Goth. and-
. See Anti-
.] An inseparable verbal prefix or particle. It is prefixed:
To verbs to express the contrary, and not the simple negative, of the action of the verb to which it is prefixed; as in unbend, uncoil, undo, unfold. (b)
To nouns to form verbs expressing privation of the thing, quality, or state expressed by the noun, or separation from it; as in unchild, unsex. Sometimes particles and participial adjectives formed with this prefix coincide in form with compounds of the negative prefix un- (see 2d Un-
); as in undone (from undo), meaning unfastened, ruined; and undone (from 2d un- and done) meaning not done, not finished. Un- is sometimes used with an intensive force merely; as in unloose. ☞ Compounds of this prefix are given in full in their proper order in the Vocabulary.
.[OE. & AS. ]
; akin to OFries. un-
, D. on-
, OS., OHG., & G. un-
, Icel. ō-
, ū-
, Sw. o-
, Dan. u-
, W. an-
, L. in-
, Gr. [GREEK], [GREEK], Skr. an-
, a-
. √193. Cf. A-
not In-
not, No, adv.
An inseparable prefix, or particle, signifying not; in-; non-. In- is prefixed mostly to words of Latin origin, or else to words formed by Latin suffixes; un- is of much wider application, and is attached at will to almost any adjective, or participle used adjectively, or adverb, from which it may be desired to form a corresponding negative adjective or adverb, and is also, but less freely, prefixed to nouns. Un- sometimes has merely an intensive force; as in unmerciless, unremorseless.
. Un-
is prefixed to adjectives, or to words used adjectively. (a)
To adjectives, to denote the absence of the quality designated by the adjective
; as, –