Definition 2025
acurrucar (first-person singular present acurruco, first-person singular preterite acurruqué, past participle acurrucado)
- (reflexive) to curl up because of the cold
- (reciprocative) to snuggle
- Los dos se acurrucaron en la cama. - Both of them snuggled on the bed.
- (transitive, colloquial, El Salvador) to make somebody squat
- Los acurruqué para que se estuvieran quietos. - I made them squat so they'd stay there (without running around)
- Estar acurrucado - to be squatting
- Estoy acurrucada porque estoy cansada. - I'm squatting because I'm tired.
- (reflexive, colloquial, El Salvador) to squat
- Se acurrucó para esperarlo. - He squatted to wait for him.
- c becomes qu before e.
1Argentine and Uruguayan voseo prefers the tú form for the present subjunctive.
Other verbs with this conjugation:
<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Spanish_verbs_ending_in_-ar_(conjugation_-car)'>Spanish verbs ending in -ar (conjugation -car)</a>