Definition 2025





aliquis m, f (neuter aliquid); irregular declension

  1. someone, something, anyone, anything
    Petere aliquem ense.
    To attack someone with a sword.
    Petere aliquem hasta.
    To attack someone with a spear.

Usage notes

After si, nisi, num, and ne, ali- falls away; see quis.


Number Singular Plural
Case / Gender Masculine Feminine Neuter Masculine Feminine Neuter
nominative aliquis aliquid aliquī aliquae
genitive alicuius /
aliquōrum aliquārum aliquōrum
dative alicui aliquibus
accusative aliquem aliquid aliquōs aliquās aliquae
ablative aliquō aliquibus

Derived terms

Related terms



  • aliquis in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • aliquis in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • Félix Gaffiot (1934), “aliquis”, in Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Paris: Hachette.
  • Meissner, Carl; Auden, Henry William (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • to cherish as the apple of one's eye: aliquis est mihi in oculis
    • to love and make a bosom friend of a person: aliquem in sinu gestare (aliquis est in sinu alicuius) (Ter. Ad. 4. 5. 75)
    • (ambiguous) somebody, something is never absent from my thoughts: aliquis, aliquid mihi curae or cordi est
    • some one feigns illness: aliquis simulat aegrum or se esse aegrum
    • some one is accused: aliquis reus fit (Fam. 13. 54)
    • (ambiguous) one has a view over...; one is able to see as far as..: prospectus est ad aliquid
    • (ambiguous) make way for any one: (de via) decedere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to meet any one: obviam ire alicui
    • (ambiguous) to go to meet some one: obviam venire alicui
    • (ambiguous) to send to meet a person: obviam alicui aliquem mittere
    • (ambiguous) a crowd throngs around some one: multitudo circumfunditur alicui
    • (ambiguous) to have time for a thing: tempus habere alicui rei
    • (ambiguous) I have no time to do something: tempus mihi deest ad aliquid faciendum
    • (ambiguous) to employ one's time in..: tempus conferre ad aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to devote time to anything: tempus tribuere alicui rei
    • (ambiguous) to put off till another time; to postpone: aliquid in aliud tempus, in posterum differre
    • (ambiguous) to listen to a person: aures praebere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to whisper something in a person's ears: in aurem alicui dicere (insusurrare) aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to come to some one's ears: ad aures alicuius (not alicui) pervenire, accidere
    • (ambiguous) to break a person's neck: cervices (in Cic. only in plur.) frangere alicui or alicuius
    • (ambiguous) to touch with the fingertips: extremis digitis aliquid attingere
    • (ambiguous) to give one's hand to some one: manum (dextram) alicui porrigere
    • (ambiguous) to lay violent hands on a person: manus inicere, inferre, afferre alicui
    • (ambiguous) to hold something in one's hand: manu or in manu tenere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to have something in one's hands, on hand: in manibus habere aliquid (also metaphorically)
    • (ambiguous) to pass a thing from hand to hand: de manu in manus or per manus tradere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to wrest from a person's hand: ex or de manibus alicui or alicuius extorquere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to take something into one's hands: in manus(m) sumere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to hold fast in the teeth (also metaphorically, obstinately): mordicus tenere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to turn one's eyes (ears, attention) towards an object: oculos (aures, animum) advertere ad aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to dazzle a person: oculorum aciem alicui praestringere (also simply praestringere)
    • (ambiguous) something presents itself to my vision: ante oculos aliquid versatur
    • (ambiguous) to picture a thing to oneself; to imagine: oculis, ante oculos (animo) proponere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to see clearly, distinctly: cernere et videre aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to see with the mind's eye: oculis mentis videre aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to show oneself to some one: se in conspectum dare alicui
    • (ambiguous) a thing makes a pleasant impression on the senses: aliquid sensus suaviter afficit
    • (ambiguous) a thing makes a pleasant impression on the senses: aliquid sensus iucunditate perfundit
    • (ambiguous) something offends my instincts, goes against the grain: aliquid a sensibus meis abhorret
    • (ambiguous) to suffocate a person: spiritum intercludere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to be older than: aetate alicui antecedere, anteire
    • (ambiguous) to make a person laugh: risum elicere (more strongly excutere) alicui
    • (ambiguous) to make a thing ridiculous, turn it into a joke: aliquid in risum vertere
    • (ambiguous) to move to tears: lacrimas or fletum alicui movere
    • (ambiguous) to see something in a dream: in somnis videre aliquid or speciem
    • (ambiguous) to perform the last rites for a person: iusta facere, solvere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to carry out the funeral obsequies: funus alicui facere, ducere (Cluent. 9. 28)
    • (ambiguous) to give funeral games in honour of a person: ludos funebres alicui dare
    • (ambiguous) to prepare to do a thing: aggredi ad aliquid faciendum
    • (ambiguous) to finish, complete, fulfil, accomplish a thing: finem imponere, afferre, constituere alicui rei
    • (ambiguous) to finish, complete, fulfil, accomplish a thing: ad finem aliquid adducere
    • (ambiguous) to finish, complete, fulfil, accomplish a thing: ad exitum aliquid perducere
    • (ambiguous) the matter progresses favourably, succeeds: aliquid (bene, prospere) succedit or procedit (opp. parum procedere, non succedere)
    • (ambiguous) to frustrate, nullify: ad irritum redigere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) I was induced by several considerations to..: multae causae me impulerunt ad aliquid or ut...
    • (ambiguous) to make something an excuse, pretext: praetendere, praetexere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to accrue in great abundance: ex aliqua re redundare (in or ad aliquid)
    • (ambiguous) to have regard for; take into consideration: respicere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to determine the issue of; to turn the scale: momentum afferre ad aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to be essentially important to a thing: pertinere ad aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to contribute much towards...; to affect considerably; to be instrumental in..: multum valere ad aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to contribute much towards...; to affect considerably; to be instrumental in..: multum afferre ad aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to have considerable influence on a question: magnam vim habere ad aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to put the matter entirely in some one's hands: omnium rerum arbitrium alicui permittere
    • (ambiguous) to give a man the opportunity of doing a thing: occasionem alicui dare, praebere alicuius rei or ad aliquid faciendum
    • (ambiguous) to give a man the opportunity of doing a thing: facultatem alicui dare alicuius rei or ut possit...
    • (ambiguous) to give a man the opportunity of doing a thing: potestatem, copiam alicui dare, facere with Gen. gerund.
    • (ambiguous) to deprive a man of the chance of doing a thing: facultatem, potestatem alicui eripere, adimere
    • (ambiguous) to be induced by a consideration: adduci aliqua re (ad aliquid or ut...)
    • (ambiguous) his crowning happiness is produced by a thing; the culminating point of his felicity is..: aliquid felicitatis cumulum affert
    • (ambiguous) his crowning happiness is produced by a thing; the culminating point of his felicity is..: aliquid felicitatem magno cumulo auget
    • (ambiguous) to bring mishap, ruin on a person: calamitatem, pestem inferre alicui
    • (ambiguous) to compass, devise a man's overthrow, ruin: pestem alicui (in aliquem) machinari
    • (ambiguous) to compass, devise a man's overthrow, ruin: perniciem (exitium) alicui afferre, moliri, parare
    • (ambiguous) dangers threaten a man: pericula alicui impendent, imminent
    • (ambiguous) to endanger, imperil a person or thing: aliquem, aliquid in periculum (discrimen) adducere, vocare
    • (ambiguous) to endanger, imperil a person or thing: alicui periculum creare, conflare
    • (ambiguous) to ensure the safety of a thing: in tuto collocare aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to bring aid to; to rescue: auxilium, opem, salutem ferre alicui
    • (ambiguous) to come to assist any one: auxilio alicui venire
    • (ambiguous) to assist, stand by a person: adesse alicui or alicuius rebus (opp. deesse)
    • (ambiguous) to deliver, rescue a person: salutem alicui afferre
    • (ambiguous) to employ in the furtherance of one's interests: aliquid in usum suum conferre
    • (ambiguous) I am benefited by a thing: aliquid ad meum fructum redundat
    • (ambiguous) to do harm to, injure any one: damnum inferre, afferre alicui
    • (ambiguous) to show kindness to..: benevolentiam alicui praestare, in aliquem conferre
    • (ambiguous) to be popular with; to stand well with a person: gratiosum esse alicui or apud aliquem
    • (ambiguous) to look favourably upon; to support: studere, favere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to comply with a person's wishes; to humour: alicui morem gerere, obsequi
    • (ambiguous) to do any one a (great) favour: gratum (gratissimum) alicui facere
    • (ambiguous) to do any one a service or kindness: beneficium alicui dare, tribuere
    • (ambiguous) to owe gratitude to; to be under an obligation to a person: gratiam alicui debere
    • (ambiguous) to feel gratitude (in one's heart): gratiam alicui habere
    • (ambiguous) to show gratitude (in one's acts): gratiam alicui referre (meritam, debitam) pro aliqua re
    • (ambiguous) to thank a person (in words): gratias alicui agere pro aliqua re
    • (ambiguous) to consider of importance; to set much (some) store by a thing: multum (aliquid) alicui rei tribuere
    • (ambiguous) to value, esteem a person: multum alicui tribuere
    • (ambiguous) to reward a man according to his deserts: meritum praemium alicui persolvere
    • (ambiguous) to award the prize to..: palmam deferre, dare alicui
    • (ambiguous) to accede to a man's petitions: alicui petenti satisfacere, non deesse
    • (ambiguous) to refuse, reject a request: negare, more strongly denegare alicui aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to refuse, reject a request: petenti alicui negare aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to gain one's point with any one: aliquid ab aliquo impetrare
    • (ambiguous) to wish prosperity to an undertaking: aliquid optimis ominibus prosequi (vid. sect. VI. 11., note Prosequi...)
    • (ambiguous) to entrust a matter to a person; to commission: mandatum, negotium alicui dare
    • (ambiguous) to reconcile two people; to be a mediator: placare aliquem alicui or in aliquem
    • (ambiguous) to reconcile two people; to be a mediator: reconciliare alicuius animum or simply aliquem alicui
    • (ambiguous) to be reconciled; to make up a quarrel: sibi aliquem, alicuius animum reconciliare or reconciliari alicui
    • (ambiguous) to consider a thing beneath one's dignity: aliquid alienum (a) dignitate sua or merely a se ducere
    • (ambiguous) to consider a thing beneath one's dignity: aliquid infra se ducere or infra se positum arbitrari
    • (ambiguous) to praise, extol, commend a person: laudem tribuere, impertire alicui
    • (ambiguous) to praise, extol, commend a person: (maximis, summis) laudibus efferre aliquem or aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to extol, laud to the skies: laudibus aliquem (aliquid) in caelum ferre, efferre, tollere
    • (ambiguous) to consider a thing creditable to a man: aliquid laudi alicui ducere, dare
    • (ambiguous) to reproach a person with..: exprobrare alicui aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to reproach a person with..: aliquid alicui crimini dare, vertere
    • (ambiguous) to know from hearsay: auditione et fama accepisse aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to know from hearsay: fando aliquid audivisse
    • (ambiguous) to harp on a thing, be always talking of it: in ore habere aliquid (Fam. 6. 18. 5)
    • (ambiguous) to divulge, make public: efferre or edere aliquid in vulgus
    • (ambiguous) to detract from a person's reputation, wilfully underestimate a person: alicuius gloriae or simply alicui obtrectare
    • (ambiguous) to damage a person's character, bring him into bad odour: infamiam alicui inferre, aspergere
    • (ambiguous) to honour, show respect for, a person: honorem alicui habere, tribuere
    • (ambiguous) to set up a statue in some one's honour: statuam alicui ponere, constituere
    • (ambiguous) to inflict an indignity upon, insult a person: alicui ignominiam inurere
    • (ambiguous) to injure a man's character, tarnish his honour: notam turpitudinis alicui or vitae alicuius inurere
    • (ambiguous) to expend great labour on a thing: egregiam operam (multum, plus etc. operae) dare alicui rei
    • (ambiguous) to expend great labour on a thing: operam alicui rei tribuere, in aliquid conferre
    • (ambiguous) to expend great labour on a thing: operam (laborem, curam) in or ad aliquid impendere
    • (ambiguous) to be energetic about, throw one's heart into a thing: incumbere in (ad) aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to be engaged upon a matter: intentum esse alicui rei
    • (ambiguous) to give a person trouble, inconvenience him: negotium alicui facessere (Fam. 3. 10. 1)
    • (ambiguous) to turn one's attention to a thing: animum attendere ad aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to attend carefully: diligenter attendere (aliquid)
    • (ambiguous) to accommodate something to the standard of the popular intelligence: ad intellegentiam communem or popularem accommodare aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to form an idea of a thing, imagine, conceive: animo, cogitatione aliquid fingere (or simply fingere, but without sibi), informare
    • (ambiguous) to form an idea of a thing, imagine, conceive: animo concipere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to form a conception of a thing beforehand: animo, cogitatione aliquid praecipere (Off 1. 23. 81)
    • (ambiguous) to picture to oneself: cogitatione sibi aliquid depingere
    • (ambiguous) to grasp a thing mentally: animo, mente, cogitatione aliquid comprehendere, complecti
    • (ambiguous) a vague notion presents itself to my mind: aliquid animo meo obversatur (cf. sect. III, s. v. oculi)
    • (ambiguous) to direct one's attention..: cogitationem, animum in aliquid intendere (Acad. 4. 46)
    • (ambiguous) to give all one's attention to a thing: omnes cogitationes ad aliquid conferre
    • (ambiguous) to conjecture: coniectura assequi, consequi, aliquid coniectura colligere
    • (ambiguous) it is a matter of conjecture, supposition: aliquid in coniectura positum est
    • (ambiguous) it is a matter of conjecture, supposition: aliquid coniectura nititur, continetur (Div. 1. 14. 24)
    • (ambiguous) a thing has happened contrary to my expectation: aliquid mihi nec opinanti, insperanti accidit
    • (ambiguous) to undeceive a person: alicui errorem demere, eripere, extorquere
    • (ambiguous) to give a person his choice: optionem alicui dare (Acad. 2. 7. 19)
    • (ambiguous) to offer a person the alternative of... or..: optionem alicui dare,
    • (ambiguous) to relieve a person of his doubts: dubitationem alicui tollere
    • (ambiguous) to leave a thing undecided: aliquid in medio, in dubio relinquere (Cael. 20. 48)
    • (ambiguous) to leave a thing undecided: aliquid dubium, incertum relinquere
    • (ambiguous) to know a thing for certain: aliquid compertum habere
    • (ambiguous) to give a person advice: consilium dare alicui
    • (ambiguous) to give a person advice: auctorem esse alicui, ut
    • (ambiguous) to think over, consider a thing: secum (cum animo) reputare aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to think over, consider a thing: considerare in, cum animo, secum aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to think over, consider a thing: agitare (in) mente or (in) animo aliquid
    • (ambiguous) a subject becomes matter for reflection: aliquid cadit in deliberationem (Off. 1. 3. 9)
    • (ambiguous) to take measures for..: parare aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to consent to..., lend oneself to..: descendere ad aliquid, ad omnia (vid. sect. V. 9, note Similarly descendere...)
    • (ambiguous) to have an object in view: spectare aliquid or ad aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to retard, delay a thing: moram alicui rei afferre, inferre, facere
    • (ambiguous) to detain a person: in mora alicui esse
    • (ambiguous) to remember a thing perfectly: memoriā tenere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to have a vivid recollection of a thing: recenti memoria tenere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to impress on the memory: memoriae mandare aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to recall a thing to a person's mind: in memoriam alicuius redigere, reducere aliquid (not revocare)
    • (ambiguous) a thing has been vividly impressed on our[TR1] memory: aliquid in memoria nostra penitus insidet
    • (ambiguous) a thing escapes, vanishes from the memory: aliquid excidit e memoria, effluit, excidit ex animo
    • (ambiguous) to rescue from oblivion: aliquid ab oblivione vindicare
    • (ambiguous) to have a theoretical knowledge of a thing: ratione, doctrina (opp. usu) aliquid cognitum habere
    • (ambiguous) to reduce a thing to its theoretical principles; to apply theory to a thing: ad artem, ad rationem revocare aliquid (De Or. 2. 11. 44)
    • (ambiguous) to acquire knowledge of a subject: scientia comprehendere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to have a thorough grasp of a subject: penitus percipere et comprehendere aliquid (De Or. 1. 23. 108)
    • (ambiguous) to entrust a child to the tuition of..: puerum alicui erudiendum or in disciplinam tradere
    • (ambiguous) to become a pupil, disciple of some one: operam dare or simply se dare alicui, se tradere in disciplinam alicuius, se conferre, se applicare ad aliquem
    • (ambiguous) to be born for a thing, endowed by nature for it: natum, factum esse ad aliquid (faciendum)
    • (ambiguous) to do a thing which is not one's vocation, which goes against the grain: adversante et repugnante natura or invitā Minervā (ut aiunt) aliquid facere (Off. 1. 31. 110)
    • (ambiguous) to spur, urge a person on: calcaria alicui adhibere, admovere; stimulos alicui admovere
    • (ambiguous) to restrain some one: frenos adhibere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to obtain a result in something: aliquid efficere, consequi in aliqua re (De Or. 1. 33. 152)
    • (ambiguous) to cite a person or a thing as an example: aliquem (aliquid) exempli causa ponere, proferre, nominare, commemorare
    • (ambiguous) to quote precedents for a thing: aliquid exemplis probare, comprobare, confirmare
    • (ambiguous) to demonstrate by instances: aliquid exemplis ostendere
    • (ambiguous) to have as authority for a thing: auctore aliquo uti ad aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to inculcate good (bad) principles: bene (male) praecipere alicui
    • (ambiguous) a thing is deeply impressed on the mind: aliquid in animo haeret, penitus insedit or infixum est
    • (ambiguous) to impress a thing on one's memory, mind: aliquid animo mentique penitus mandare (Catil. 1. 11. 27)
    • (ambiguous) to take a thing to heart: demittere aliquid in pectus or in pectus animumque suum
    • (ambiguous) to teac: tradere (aliquid de aliqua re)
    • (ambiguous) to arrange on strictly logical principles: ratione, eleganter (opp. nulla ratione, ineleganter, confuse) disponere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to systematise: ad artem redigere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to systematise: ad rationem, ad artem et praecepta revocare aliquid (De Or. 1. 41)
    • (ambiguous) to give a scientific explanation of a thing: artificio et via tradere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to treat with scientific exactness; to classify: artificiose redigere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to treat with scientific exactness; to classify: ad rationis praecepta accommodare aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to deal with a subject on scientific principles: ad philosophorum or philosophandi rationes revocare aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to systematise, classify a thing: in ordinem redigere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to demonstrate, make a thing clear: aliquid planum facere (Ad Herenn. 2. 5)
    • (ambiguous) to prove one's point to a person's satisfaction: aliquid alicui probare (or c. Acc. c. Inf.)
    • (ambiguous) to prove a thing indisputably: argumentis confirmare, comprobare, evincere aliquid (or c. Acc. c. Inf.)
    • (ambiguous) to discuss, investigate a subject scientifically: disputare (de aliqua re, ad aliquid)
    • (ambiguous) to object, to adduce in contradiction: opponere alicui aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to grant, admit a thing: dare, concedere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to assume a thing: sumere (opp. reicere) aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to insist on a point: tenere aliquid; stare in aliqua re
    • (ambiguous) to maintain one's assertion, prove oneself right: obtinere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to make a thing the subject of controversy: in controversiam vocare, adducere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to leave a point undecided: in controversia relinquere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to come to an understanding with a person: transigere aliquid cum aliquo
    • (ambiguous) to contradict some one: dicere contra aliquem or aliquid (not contradicere alicui)
    • (ambiguous) to give a veracious and historic account of a thing: narrare aliquid ad fidem historiae
    • (ambiguous) to calculate the date of an event: ad temporum rationem aliquid revocare
    • (ambiguous) to draw a mathematical conclusion: mathematicorum ratione concludere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to make a copy true to nature: aliquid ad verum exprimere
    • (ambiguous) a thing is taken from life: aliquid e vita ductum est
    • (ambiguous) to bring a thing upon the stage: in scaenam aliquid inducere
    • (ambiguous) to applaud, clap a person: plausum dare (alicui)
    • (ambiguous) to roughly sketch a thing: adumbrare aliquid (Or. 14. 43)
    • (ambiguous) to express clearly, make a lifelike representation of a thing: exprimere aliquid verbis or oratione (vid. sect. VI. 3, note adumbrare...)
    • (ambiguous) to give an account of a thing (either orally or in writing): exponere aliquid or de aliqua re
    • (ambiguous) to depict a thing in lively colours: summo colore aliquid illustrare
    • (ambiguous) to bring a thing vividly before the eyes: ante oculos ponere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to represent a thing vividly: oculis or sub oculos, sub aspectum subicere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to scrutinise, examine closely: perlustrare, lustrare oculis aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to represent a thing dramatically: sic exponere aliquid, quasi agatur res (non quasi narretur)
    • (ambiguous) to introduce a person (into a dialogue) discoursing on..: aliquem disputantem facere, inducere, fingere (est aliquid apud aliquem disputans)
    • (ambiguous) to give a general idea of a thing: in uno conspectu ponere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to give a general idea of a thing: sub unum aspectum subicere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to make a short survey of a thing: in brevi conspectu ponere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to have a general idea of a thing: uno conspectu videre aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to touch briefly on a thing: breviter tangere, attingere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to make a cursory mention of a thing; to mention by the way (not obiter or in transcursu): strictim, leviter tangere, attingere, perstringere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to make a cursory mention of a thing; to mention by the way (not obiter or in transcursu): quasi praeteriens, in transitu attingere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to dwell only on the main points: summatim aliquid exponere
    • (ambiguous) to give a full, detailed account of a thing: pluribus verbis, copiosius explicare, persequi aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to explain a matter briefly, in a few words (not paucis verbis): breviter, paucis explicare aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to bring a subject forward into discussion: in medium proferre aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to pass over in silence: silentio praeterire (not praetermittere) aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to allude to a person or thing (not alludere): significare aliquem or aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to hint vaguely at a thing: leviter significare aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to embellish a narrative: dicendo ornare aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to add rhetorical, dramatic embellishments to a subject: rhetorice, tragice ornare aliquid (Brut. 11. 43)
    • (ambiguous) to interpolate, insert something: includere in orationem aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to interpolate, insert something: inserere orationi aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to interpolate, insert something: interponere aliquid (De Am. 1. 3)
    • (ambiguous) to lend lustre to a subject by one's description: dicendo augere, amplificare aliquid (opp. dicendo extenuare aliquid)
    • (ambiguous) to exaggerate a thing: in maius ferre, in maius extollere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to overestimate a thing: in maius accipere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to set some one a theme for discussion: ponere alicui, de quo disputet
    • (ambiguous) to make a joke of a thing: aliquid ad ridiculum convertere
    • (ambiguous) the expression is not in accordance with Latin usage: aliquid a consuetudine sermonis latini abhorret, alienum est
    • (ambiguous) to translate from Greek into Latin: aliquid e graeco in latinum (sermonem) convertere, vertere, transferre
    • (ambiguous) to render something into Latin: aliquid (graeca) latine reddere or sermone latino interpretari
    • (ambiguous) to take a thing in good (bad) part: in bonam (malam) partem accipere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to put down in writing: litteris mandare or consignare aliquid (Acad. 2. 1. 2)
    • (ambiguous) to treat in writing: litteris persequi (vid. sect. VIII. 2, note persequi...) aliquid
    • (ambiguous) the book contains something... (not continet aliquid): libro continetur aliquid
    • (ambiguous) the book contains something... (not continet aliquid): libro scriptor complexus est aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to make extracts from Cicero's writings: aliquid, multa ex Ciceronis libris excerpere (not excerpere librum)
    • (ambiguous) to enter a thing in one's note-book: aliquid in commentarios suos referre (Tusc. 3. 22. 54)
    • (ambiguous) to read cursorily: legendo percurrere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to charge some one with a letter for some one else: epistulam dare alicui ad aliquem
    • (ambiguous) to deliver a letter to some one (used of the messenger): epistulam reddere alicui (Att. 5. 21. 4)
    • (ambiguous) to give pleasure to some one: afferre alicui laetitiam
    • (ambiguous) to add the crowning point to a person's joy: cumulum gaudii alicui afferre (vid. sect. V. 6) (Fam. 16. 21. 1)
    • (ambiguous) I am pained, vexed, sorry: doleo aliquid, aliqua re, de and ex aliqua re
    • (ambiguous) I am pained, vexed, sorry: aegre, graviter, moleste fero aliquid (or with Acc. c. Inf. or quod)
    • (ambiguous) to cause a person pain: dolorem alicui facere, afferre, commovere
    • (ambiguous) to cause any one very acute pain: acerbum dolorem alicui inurere
    • (ambiguous) to free a person from his pain: dolorem alicui eripere (Att. 9. 6. 4)
    • (ambiguous) something harasses me, makes me anxious: aliquid me sollicitat, me sollicitum habet, mihi sollicitudini est, mihi sollicitudinem affert
    • (ambiguous) to inspire fear, terror: timorem, terrorem alicui inicere, more strongly incutere
    • (ambiguous) terror, panic seizes some one: terror incidit alicui
    • (ambiguous) terror, panic seizes some one: terror invadit in aliquem (rarely alicui, after Livy aliquem)
    • (ambiguous) to take courage: animus alicui accedit, crescit
    • (ambiguous) to succeed in encouraging a person: animum facere, addere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to increase a person's courage: animum alicui augere (B. G. 7. 70)
    • (ambiguous) to take upon oneself: sibi sumere aliquid (Planc. 1. 3)
    • (ambiguous) to endure a thing with (the greatest) sang-froid: aequo (aequissimo) animo ferre aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to bear a thing with resignation, composure: humane, modice, moderate, sapienter, constanter ferre aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to be resigned to a thing: (animo) paratum esse ad aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to inspire any one with hope: spem alicui facere, afferre, inicere
    • (ambiguous) to lead some one to expect..: spem proponere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to rouse a vain, groundless hope in some one's mind: spem falsam alicui ostendere
    • (ambiguous) to deprive a person of hope: spem alicui adimere, tollere, auferre, eripere
    • (ambiguous) to weaken, diminish a person's hope: spem alicui or alicuius minuere
    • (ambiguous) to be waiting in suspense for..: suspenso animo exspectare aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to excite some one's pity: misericordiam alicui commovere
    • (ambiguous) to pardon some one: alicui veniam dare (alicuius rei)
    • (ambiguous) to be dear to some one: carum esse alicui
    • (ambiguous) to be dear to some one: carum atque iucundum esse alicui
    • (ambiguous) to be some one's favourite: in amore et deliciis esse alicui (active in deliciis habere aliquem)
    • (ambiguous) somebody, something is never absent from my thoughts: aliquis, aliquid mihi curae or cordi est
    • (ambiguous) to have laid something to heart; to take an interest in a thing: curae habere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to fill a person with astonishment: admirationem alicui movere
    • (ambiguous) to believe a person: fidem habere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to make some one believe a thing: fidem alicuius rei facere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to believe in, trust in a thing: fidem tribuere, adiungere alicui rei
    • (ambiguous) to rob a person of his credit: fidem abrogare, derogare alicui
    • (ambiguous) to put confidence in some one: confidere alicui (but aliqua re)
    • (ambiguous) to entrust a thing to a person's good faith: committere aliquid alicui or alicuius fidei
    • (ambiguous) to put oneself entirely in some one's hands: totum se committere, tradere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to keep faith with a person, keep one's word: fidem praestare alicui
    • (ambiguous) to confirm, ratify, sanction something: fidem addere alicui rei
    • (ambiguous) to give one's word that..: fidem dare alicui (opp. accipere) (c. Acc. c. Inf.)
    • (ambiguous) to make a thing credible: fidem facere, afferre alicui rei (opp. demere, de-, abrogare fidem)
    • (ambiguous) a thing finds credence, is credible: aliquid fidem habet (vid. also fides under sect. VII., History)
    • (ambiguous) to be answerable for a person, a thing: praestare aliquem, aliquid, de aliqua re or Acc. c. Inf.
    • (ambiguous) to rouse a person's suspicions: suspicionem movere, excitare, inicere, dare alicui
    • (ambiguous) to make a person suspected: aliquem in suspicionem adducere (alicui), aliquem suspectum reddere
    • (ambiguous) to be suspected by some one: in suspicionem alicui venire
    • (ambiguous) to be hated by some one: invisum esse alicui
    • (ambiguous) to be hated by some one: odio, invidiae esse alicui
    • (ambiguous) to be hated by some one: in invidia esse alicui
    • (ambiguous) to incur a person's hatred: in odium, in invidiam venire alicui
    • (ambiguous) to make a person odious, unpopular: invidiam alicui conflare (Catil. 1. 9. 23)
    • (ambiguous) to make a person odious, unpopular: invidiam, odium ex-, concitare alicui, in aliquem
    • (ambiguous) to be discontented, vexed at a thing; to chafe: aegre, graviter, moleste, indigne ferre aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to excite a person's wrath: stomachum, bilem alicui movere
    • (ambiguous) to revenge oneself for a thing: ulcisci aliquid, poenas alicuius rei expetere
    • (ambiguous) to wrong a person: iniuriam inferre, facere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to give some one satisfaction for an injury: satisfacere alicui pro (de) iniuriis
    • (ambiguous) there is something repulsive about the thing: res habet aliquid offensionis
    • (ambiguous) to use violence against some one: vim adhibere, facere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to do violence to a person: vim inferre alicui
    • (ambiguous) to kill with violence: vim et manus afferre alicui (Catil. 1. 8. 21)
    • (ambiguous) to waylay a person: insidias alicui parare, facere, struere, instruere, tendere
    • (ambiguous) to threaten some one with death, crucifixion, torture, war: minitari (minari) alicui mortem, crucem et tormenta, bellum
    • (ambiguous) to threaten with fire and sword: minitari alicui igni ferroque (Phil. 13. 9. 21)
    • (ambiguous) to deceive a person, throw dust in his eyes: verba dare alicui (Att. 15. 16)
    • (ambiguous) to make sport of, rally a person: illudere alicui or in aliquem (more rarely aliquem)
    • (ambiguous) to serve as some one's butt: ludibrio esse alicui
    • (ambiguous) to have an inclination for a thing: studere alicui rei, studiosum esse alicuius rei
    • (ambiguous) to have an inclination for a thing: propensum, proclivem esse ad aliquid (opp. alienum, aversum esse, abhorrere ab aliqua re)
    • (ambiguous) to set a limit to a thing: modum facere, statuere, constituere alicui rei or alicuius rei
    • (ambiguous) to measure something by the standard of something else; to make something one's criterion: metiri, ponderare, aestimare, iudicare aliquid (ex) aliqua re
    • (ambiguous) to measure something by the standard of something else; to make something one's criterion: dirigere or referre aliquid ad aliquam rem
    • (ambiguous) to set bounds to a thing, limit it: terminis circumscribere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to show moderation in a matter: moderari aliquid (Flacc. 5. 12)
    • (ambiguous) to give moral advice, rules of conduct: morum praecepta tradere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to give moral advice, rules of conduct: de virtute praecipere alicui
    • (ambiguous) something is contrary to my moral sense, goes against my principles: aliquid abhorret a meis moribus (opp. insitum [atque innatum] est animo or in animo alicuius)
    • (ambiguous) something is a characteristic of a man: aliquid est proprium alicuius
    • (ambiguous) to pay divine honours to some one: alicui divinos honores tribuere, habere
    • (ambiguous) to inspire some one with religious scruples: religionem alicui afferre, inicere, incutere
    • (ambiguous) to make a thing a matter of conscience, be scrupulous about a thing: aliquid religioni habere or in religionem vertere
    • (ambiguous) to make a thing a matter of conscience, be scrupulous about a thing: aliquid in religionem alicui venit
    • (ambiguous) to swear an oath to a person: iusiurandum dare alicui
    • (ambiguous) to pray to God: precari aliquid a deo
    • (ambiguous) to bless (curse) a person: precari alicui bene (male) or omnia bona (mala), salutem
    • (ambiguous) the omens are favourable to some one: aves (alites, oscines) addī**** alicui (opp. abdicunt aliquid)
    • (ambiguous) to interpret something as an omen: accipere, vertere aliquid in omen
    • (ambiguous) to give up a thing to some one else: possessione alicuius rei cedere alicui (Mil. 27. 75)
    • (ambiguous) to set food before a person: cibum apponere, ponere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to give some one to drink: alicui bibere dare
    • (ambiguous) to serve some one with drink: alicui bibere ministrare
    • (ambiguous) to provide some one with a livelihood: omnes ad vitam copias suppeditare alicui
    • (ambiguous) to spend money on an object: sumptum facere, insumere in aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to invite oneself to some one's house for dinner: condicere alicui (ad cenam)
    • (ambiguous) to set a repast before a person: cenam alicui apponere
    • (ambiguous) to attach oneself to a person's society: socium se adiungere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to give audience to some one: sui potestatem facere, praebere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to give audience to some one: conveniendi aditum dare alicui
    • (ambiguous) to greet a person: salutem alicui dicere, impertire, nuntiare
    • (ambiguous) to add to one's letter good wishes to some one: adscribere alicui salutem (Att. 5. 20. 9)
    • (ambiguous) to give one's right hand to some one: dextram alicui porrigere, dare
    • (ambiguous) to congratulate a person on something: gratulari alicui aliquid or de aliqua re
    • (ambiguous) to betroth one's daughter to some one: filiam alicui despondere
    • (ambiguous) to marry (of the woman): nubere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to be married to some one: nuptam esse cum aliquo or alicui
    • (ambiguous) to give one's daughter in marriage to some-one: filiam alicui in matrimonio or in matrimonium collocare or simply filiam alicui collocare
    • (ambiguous) to give one's daughter in marriage to some-one: filiam alicui in matrimonium dare
    • (ambiguous) to give one's daughter in marriage to some-one: filiam alicui nuptum dare
    • (ambiguous) to separate, be divorced (used of man or woman): nuntium remittere alicui (De Or. 1. 40)
    • (ambiguous) to separate, be divorced (used of man or woman): repudium dicere or scribere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to prescribe in one's will: testamento aliquid cavere (Fin. 2. 31)
    • (ambiguous) to leave money to a person in one's will: pecuniam alicui legare
    • (ambiguous) to be some one's heir: heredem esse alicui
    • (ambiguous) to inherit something: hereditate aliquid accipere
    • (ambiguous) something has been left as a legacy by some one: hereditate aliquid relictum est ab aliquo
    • (ambiguous) to introduce a thing into our customs; to familiarise us with a thing: in nostros mores inducere aliquid (De Or. 2. 28)
    • (ambiguous) to return to ancient usage: in pristinam consuetudinem revocare aliquid
    • (ambiguous) it is my custom: aliquid est meae consuetudinis
    • (ambiguous) it is my custom: aliquid cadit in meam consuetudinem
    • (ambiguous) to transact, settle a matter with some one: transigere aliquid (de aliqua re) cum aliquo or inter se
    • (ambiguous) to make a profit out of something: quaestui aliquid habere (Off. 2. 3. 13)
    • (ambiguous) a thing costs much, little: aliquid magno, parvo stat, constat
    • (ambiguous) a thing costs nothing: aliquid nihilo or gratis constat
    • (ambiguous) to fix a price for a thing: pretium alicui rei statuere, constituere (Att. 13. 22)
    • (ambiguous) to devote money to a purpose: pecuniam insumere in aliquid or consumere in aliqua re
    • (ambiguous) to pay cash: pecuniam numerare alicui (Att. 16. 16)
    • (ambiguous) to owe some one money: pecuniam alicui debere
    • (ambiguous) to lend some one money (without interest): pecuniam alicui credere (sine fenore, usuris)
    • (ambiguous) to lend, borrow money at interest: pecuniam fenori (fenore) alicui dare, accipere ab aliquo
    • (ambiguous) to lend money to some one: pecuniam alicui mutuam dare
    • (ambiguous) to put a thing down to a man's account: alicui expensum ferre aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to put down to a man's credit: alicui acceptum referre aliquid (Verr. 2. 70. 170)
    • (ambiguous) to go through accounts, make a valuation of a thing: ad calculos vocare aliquid (Amic. 16. 58)
    • (ambiguous) to do something after careful calculation: inita subductaque ratione aliquid facere
    • (ambiguous) to subtract something from the capital: de capite deducere (vid. sect. XII. 1, note Notice too...) aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to consider a thing as profit: in lucro ponere aliquid (Flacc. 17. 40)
    • (ambiguous) to rob a person of his credit: fidem derogare alicui
    • (ambiguous) to consider a thing from a political point of view: ad rei publicae rationes aliquid referre
    • (ambiguous) to present a person with the freedom of the city: civitatem alicui dare, tribuere, impertire
    • (ambiguous) to give the palm, the first place (for wisdom) to some one: primas (e.g. sapientiae) alicui deferre, tribuere, concedere
    • (ambiguous) a thing is illegal: aliquid contra legem est
    • (ambiguous) to proscribe a person, declare him an outlaw: aqua et igni interdicere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to restore to a person his confiscated property: bona alicui restituere
    • (ambiguous) to banish a person from Italy: interdicere alicui Italiā
    • (ambiguous) to confer supreme power on a person: imperium, rerum summam deferre alicui
    • (ambiguous) to give some one unlimited power in state affairs: rem publicam alicui permittere
    • (ambiguous) to invest some one with royal power: alicui regnum deferre, tradere
    • (ambiguous) to lay the yoke of slavery on some one: alicui servitutem iniungere, imponere
    • (ambiguous) to deliver some one from slavery: iugum servile alicui demere
    • (ambiguous) to impose tribute on some one: vectigalia, tributa alicui imponere
    • (ambiguous) to entrust some one with an official duty, a province: provinciam alicui decernere, mandare
    • (ambiguous) the province of Syria has fallen to some one's lot: alicui Syria (sorte) obvēnit, obtigit
    • (ambiguous) to elect a man to fill the place of another who has died whilst in office: sufficere aliquem in alicuius locum or alicui
    • (ambiguous) to succeed a person in an office: alicui or in alicuius locum succedere
    • (ambiguous) to succeed some one as general: alicui imperatori succedere
    • (ambiguous) to prolong some one's office for another year: continuare alicui magistratum
    • (ambiguous) to prolong a person's command: prorogare alicui imperium (in annum)
    • (ambiguous) to invest a person with a position of dignity: honores alicui mandare, deferre
    • (ambiguous) to remove a person from his office: abrogare alicui munus (Verr. 2. 57)
    • (ambiguous) to deprive a person of his position as commandant: abrogare alicui imperium
    • (ambiguous) to give a man audience before the senate: senatum alicui dare (Q. Fr. 2. 11. 2)
    • (ambiguous) to summon some one to appear on a given day; to accuse a person: diem dicere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to judge some one equitably: aequum iudicem se alicui praebere
    • (ambiguous) to hold an inquiry into a matter: aliquid, causam cognoscere
    • (ambiguous) to hold an inquiry into a matter: quaerere aliquid or de aliqua re
    • (ambiguous) to enter a thing in the public records: in tabulas publicas referre aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to cite a person to give evidence on a matter: aliquem testem alicuius rei (in aliquid) citare
    • (ambiguous) to have a person tortured: alicui admovere tormenta
    • (ambiguous) to go to law with, sue a person: litem alicui intendere
    • (ambiguous) to attribute the fault to some one: culpam alicui attribuere, assignare
    • (ambiguous) to reproach, blame a person for..: aliquid alicui crimini dare, vitio vertere (Verr. 5. 50)
    • (ambiguous) to pardon a person: veniam dare alicui
    • (ambiguous) to be (heavily) punished by some one: poenas (graves) dare alicui
    • (ambiguous) to be punished by some one (on account of a thing): poenas alicui pendere (alicuius rei)
    • (ambiguous) to atone for something by..: luere aliquid aliqua re (De Sen. 20)
    • (ambiguous) to impose a fine (used of the prosecutor or the tribunus plebis proposing a fine to be ratified by the people): multam irrogare alicui (Cic. Dom. 17. 45)
    • (ambiguous) to decree the penalty of death: supplicium alicui decernere, in aliquem constituere
    • (ambiguous) to go unpunished: impune fecisse, tulisse aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to appoint some one commander-in-chief: imperii summam deferre alicui or ad aliquem, tradere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to depose a person from his command: imperium alicui abrogare (Off.3. 10)
    • (ambiguous) to obey a person's orders: dicto audientem esse alicui
    • (ambiguous) to plunge one's sword in some one's breast: gladium alicui in pectus infigere
    • (ambiguous) to make restitution: res reddere (alicui) (cf. sect. V. 11)
    • (ambiguous) to invade: bellum inferre alicui (Att. 9. 1. 3)
    • (ambiguous) to send relief to some one: subsidium alicui summittere
    • (ambiguous) to accept battle: potestatem sui facere (alicui) (cf. sect. XII. 9, note audientia...)
    • (ambiguous) to wound a person (also used metaphorically): vulnus infligere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to inflict a mortal wound on some one: mortiferam plagam alicui infligere
    • (ambiguous) to congratulate a person on his victory: victoriam or de victoria gratulari alicui
    • (ambiguous) to dictate the terms of peace to some one: pacis condiciones dare, dicere alicui (Liv. 29. 12)
    • (ambiguous) to make one's submission to some one: se imperio alicuius subicere (not alicui)
    • (ambiguous) to make one's submission to some one: in deditionem venire (without alicui)
    • (ambiguous) to be subject to some one, under some one's dominion: subiectum esse, obnoxium esse imperio or dicioni alicuius (not simply alicui)
    • (ambiguous) this can be said of..., applies to..: hoc cadit in aliquid
    • (ambiguous) this can be said of..., applies to..: hoc transferri potest in aliquid
    • (ambiguous) there is something in what you say; you are more or less right: aliquid (τι) dicis (opp. nihil dicis)
    • (ambiguous) there is something in what you say; you are more or less right: est istuc quidem aliquid