Definition 2025





aprium (plural apriums)

  1. (neologism) A plum-apricot cross, with characteristics of both fruits.
    • 2007, The home orchard: growing your own deciduous fruit and nut trees (ISBN-10: 1-879906-72-4), page 33:
      A three-quarter apricot is an aprium, which is very apricotlike in tree type and fruit. Plumcots are extremely flavorful fruits that tend to bear poorly for the first few years.
    • 2010, Rachel Saunders, Sara Remington, The Blue Chair Jam Cookbook, page 140:
      For an excellent plain Aprium jam, you may omit the almonds.
    • 2010, Michael Perry, Coop: A Family, a Farm, and the Pursuit of One Good Egg, page 216:
      When the puppet is finished, we wander through the farmer's market and stop at the local foods booth, where our friend Aaron lets us sample farm-direct apriums. Amy spots a bevy of belly dancers and says she wants to watch.

