Definition 2025



See also: atverē



atvere f (5th declension)

  1. opening, orifice (a gap or hole in an organism or in a specific organ)
    deguna atveres ― nostrils (lit. nose openings, orifices)
    žaunu atvere ― gill opening
    aortas atvere ― the opening of the aorta
    anālā atvere ― anal orifice, anus
    varavīksnenes vidū atrodas apaļa, melna atvere: zīlīte ― in the middle of the iris (in the eye) there is a round, black opening: the pupil
  2. opening, orifice (a gap or hole in a mechanism or machine)
    mutuļo un krāc Jeņiseja, lauzdamās cauri aizsprosta atverēm ― the Yenisey (river) swirled and roared, breaking through the openings in the dam
  3. (rare) hole, concavity, depression (on a surface)
    te nokritis meteorīts, izveidojot lielu, dziļu atveri diametrā ap 100 m, kas piepildījusies ar ūdeni ― here the meteorite fell, creating a large, deep hole with (lit. in) a diameter of about 100 m, which is filled with water


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