Definition 2025





augstums m (1st declension)

  1. (chiefly in the singular) height, altitude (the quality of being high; the measure of how high something is)
    absolūtais augstums ― altitude (lit. absolute height)
    kalna augstums ir 700 metrus virs jūras līmeņa ― the height of the mountain is 700 meters above sea level
    lidmašīna lidoja 10 tūkstoš metru augstumā ― the airplane is flying at an altitude of 10 thousand meters
  2. (geometry) perpendicular length from the base to the top (vertex) of a geometric figure
    cilindra, konusa, trīsstūra augstums ― the height of a cylinder, cone, triangle
  3. (chiefly in the plural) heights (very high place)
    debesu augstumos riņķo vanags ― the hawk flies in cirlces in the heights of the sky
  4. (figuratively, chiefly plural) heights (high social or professional situation, position)
    noraudzīties no saviem augstumiem ― to watch from one's heights (= high position)
    nolaisties no saviem augstumiem ― to descend from one's heights (= high position)
    slavas augstumi ― the heights of glory
  5. (of sounds) pitch (property of sounds that depends on the number of oscillationss per unit time of a vibrating body; perceived frequency)
    vienāda augstuma notis, skaņas ― notes, sounds with the same pitch
