Definition 2025





cyberpath (plural cyberpaths)

  1. (parapsychology, science fiction) A person with techno-telepathic ability, capable of reading the electrical signals of electronic devices (such as computers) around them.
    • 2015, Keith R. A. DeCandido, Heroes Reborn - Book 5: Save The Cheerleader, Destroy The World
      Claire nodded, remembering that Micah was, in essence, a cyberpath. He could mentally convince electronics and machines to do pretty much whatever he wanted.
  2. A sociopathic Internet user.
    • 2011, Joan Price, Naked at Our Age: Talking Out Loud about Senior Sex (page 130)
      He was “mentoring” me, but he really was an opportunist, a cyberpath, an extreme narcissist. He dumped me, and I've finally kicked his influence.
  3. A metaphorical path or route through cyberspace.
    • 2003, S. Maria John, Information Technology: Its Application on the Small Scale Industries Sector
      There is more to e-commerce than just building a web site and waiting for the world to beat a cyberpath to its door.

Coordinate terms