Definition 2025
egromancy (uncountable)
- alternative form of necromancy, used by Sir Richard Burton.
- c.1450 Merlin
- A feire mayden...suster to Hardogebrant that moche knoweth of egremauncye...
- She...lerned so moche of egremauncye that the peple cleped hir afterward Morgain le fee.
- A feire mayden...suster to Hardogebrant that moche knoweth of egremauncye...
- 1475 Gregory's Chron.
- In the same yere there were take certayne traytourys, the whyche purposyd to slee oure lege lorde the kyng by crafte of egremauncey.
- 1885 Sir Richard Burton The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night (Arabian Nights)
- Then she stood up; and, pronouncing some word to me unintelligible, she said:---By virtue of my egromancy become thou half stone and half man; whereupon I became what thou seest, unable to rise or sit, and neither dead nor alive.
- c.1450 Merlin