Definition 2025


executable code



executable code (uncountable)

  1. (computing) Instructions for a computer in a form the computer can directly use (i.e. which it can execute). Derived from source code by compiling or assembling and linking.
    • 2003, Maximum Security, fourth edition, ISBN 0672324598, page 324
      Other types of macros, shell scripts, batch files, interpretable source code, even Postscript files also contain executable code, and are, in theory, vulnerable to virus attack.
    • 2008, Arnold Robbins, Nelson H. F. Beebe, Classic Shell Scripting: Hidden Commands that Unlock the Power of Unix, ISBN 0596555261, page 158
      The script itself contains variable and command substitution, the read command, and a while loop to get everything done in less than 10 lines of executable code!
    • 2012, edited by Ivan Ivanov, Marten van Sinderen, Boris Shishkov, Cloud Computing and Services Science, ISBN 1461423260, page 7
      “Scripts” are distinct from the executable code of the application, as they are usually written in a different language with distinct semantics.
