Definition 2025





garlaicīgs (def. garlaicīgais, comp. garlaicīgāks, sup. visgarlaicīgākais; adv. garlaicīgi)

  1. (of actions, activities) boring, tedious (which does not generate interest or pleasure; which happens slowly, without tension)
    garlaicīgs darbstedious work
    garlaicīgs stāsts, brauciensboring story, trip
    garlaicīga lugaboring (theater) play
    iešana ir ļoti garlaicīga; man liekas, ka es līdz rītam neiziešu mežam cauri ― walking is very boring; I think I won't go out through the forest until morning
  2. (of landscapes, surroundings) too uniform, monotonous
    stepe šķita briesmīgi garlaicīga un vienmuļa ― the steppe looked terribly boring and monotonous
    tā bija parastā, garlaicīgā slimnīcas istaba ― that was the simple, monotonous hospital room
  3. (of time periods) boring, monotonous, uneventful (without important or interesting events)
    sevišķi garas un garlaicīgas man bija vasaras pēcpusdienas, kad mazā, puteklainā pilsētele bija kā izmirusi ― especially long and monotonous were the summer afternoons, when the small, dusty little town was as if dead
  4. (of people, their features and behavior) not talkative, not an interesting interlocutor; expressing such qualities
    garlaicīgs ceļabiedrsboring travel companion
    “nopietni cilvēki ir garlaicīgi”, Rūta atbildēja, jocīgi padraudējusi ar pirkstu ― “serious people are boring,” Rūta answered, jokingly raising (lit. threatening with) (her) finger
    pelēkas, garlaicīgas sejas pārvēršas, smaida ― dull (lit. gray), boring faces turned (and) smiled
  5. (in adverbial form) feeling or causing tedium, feeling bored
    viņam bija garlaicīgi ― he was bored
    ja tie pie jums nebūtu tik skaisti, būtu drusku garlaicīgi ― if it weren't so beautiful here around you (= where you live), it would be a bit boring


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