Definition 2025





hīscō (defective conjugation)

  1. (intransitive) I yawn, gape, open.
  2. (intransitive) I open the mouth, mutter, murmur.
  3. (transitive) I speak, utter.


  • This verb is defective, with only those forms based on the first principal part.
   Conjugation of hisco (third conjugation, defective)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present hīscō hīscis hīscit hīscimus hīscitis hīscunt
imperfect hīscēbam hīscēbās hīscēbat hīscēbāmus hīscēbātis hīscēbant
future hīscam hīscēs hīscet hīscēmus hīscētis hīscent
passive present hīscor hīsceris, hīscere hīscitur hīscimur hīsciminī hīscuntur
imperfect hīscēbar hīscēbāris, hīscēbāre hīscēbātur hīscēbāmur hīscēbāminī hīscēbantur
future hīscar hīscēris, hīscēre hīscētur hīscēmur hīscēminī hīscentur
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present hīscam hīscās hīscat hīscāmus hīscātis hīscant
imperfect hīscerem hīscerēs hīsceret hīscerēmus hīscerētis hīscerent
passive present hīscar hīscāris, hīscāre hīscātur hīscāmur hīscāminī hīscantur
imperfect hīscerer hīscerēris, hīscerēre hīscerētur hīscerēmur hīscerēminī hīscerentur
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present hīsce hīscite
future hīscitō hīscitō hīscitōte hīscuntō
passive present hīscere hīsciminī
future hīscitor hīscitor hīscuntor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives hīscere hīscī
participles hīscēns hīscendus
verbal nouns gerund supine
nominative genitive dative/ablative accusative accusative ablative
hīscere hīscendī hīscendō hīscendum

Derived terms

  • circumhīscō
  • dehīscō
