Definition 2025





jaunums m (1st declension)

  1. newness, youth (the quality of being new, young; syn. jaunība)
    meitenes jaunums ― the girl's youth
  2. news, novelty (something recently invented, discovered, created, composed, published, something that happened recently)
    zinātnes jaunumi ― science news, new scientific advances
    tehnikas jaunumi ― technical, technological news, new technical, technological advances
    kora mūzikas jaunumi ― choir music news, new works
    viņš visu brīvo laiku klaiņoja pa grāmatu veikaliem, meklēdams literārus jaunumus ― he spent all his free time wandering through bookstores, looking for literary novelties
  3. something new, novelty (something that didn't exist before)
    jaunums “Vaidelotes” izrādē ir tas, ka pieccēlienu lugu teātris rāda ar vienu starpbrīdi ― what is new, the novelty in this performance of “Vaidelotes” is that the theater presented a five-act play with (only) one interval
  4. news (new facts, information)
    viņš apsprieda avīzē izlasītos sporta jaunumus ― he discussed sports news read on a newspaper
    a, tātad nu viņu ieliņā būs zobārste; tas ir liels jaunums ― ah, so now there will be a (female) dentist in their little street; this is big news


Related terms


  • ziņa