Definition 2025





jautrs (def. jautrais, comp. jautrāks, sup. visjautrākais; adv. jautri)

  1. cheerful, merry, happy (characterized by joyful emotions)
    Ina ir jautra meitene, viņai patīk smieties, jokoties ― Ina is a cheerful girl, she likes to laugh, to joke
    viņš bija pazīstams ka omulīgs, jautrs cilvēks ― he was known as a cheerful, happy man
  2. cheerful, merry, happy (expressing joyful emotions)
    jautri smieklicheerful laughs
    jautras balsischeerful voices
    mātes acis sastapās ar meitas jautrajām, draiskajām acīm ― the mother's eyes met with the daughter's cheerful, playful eyes
  3. (of animals, their behavior) quick moving, playful, difficult to control; expressing such features
    jautrs kucēns, kaķēnsplayful puppy, kitten
    tas bija lāga runcis, jautrs un pacietīgs ― it was a good tomcat, playful and patient
    ap viņu putni saskrien jautrā čalā ― the birds were running around him in playful chatter
  4. (figuratively, of water, air flow) fast, turbulent
    virtuves logs uzpūta jautru caurvēja strāvu ― the kitchen window let in a fast draft (lit. draft, wind stream)
    Pār Havannu savilcies pērkona negaisa mākonis, un lietus šļāc jautrām strūklām ― over Havanna the thunderstorm clouds gathered, and the rain poured in fast, turbulent gushes
  5. funny, amusing, hilarious (relating to jokes and laughter)
    jautrs brauciens, piedzīvojumsfunny, hilarious trip, adventure
    vakars izvērtās skaļš un jautrs; nevienam nebija garlaicīgi ― the evening became loud and funny; nobody was bored
  6. joyful, exuberant (creating a happy, joyful mood)
    jautrs maršsjoyful march
    spidēja saule... baltais sniegs vizuļoja tik žilbinoši jautrs, ka gribējās ticēt: pasaulē ir arī laime, ir arī prieks un smiekli ― the sun was shining... the white snow sparkled so dazzlingly, that one wanted to believe: on earth there is happiness, there is joy and laughter
  7. (of sleep) light, not deep (from which one can easily wake up)
    jautrs miegslight sleep



Derived terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), jautrs”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7