Definition 2024


meet cute

See also: meet-cute



meet cute (plural meet cutes)

  1. (narratology) A situation in a film, television series, etc. in which a potential or future romantic couple meet for the first time in a way that is considered adorable, entertaining, or amusing.
  2. any such situation in real life, also between non-romantically involved pairs of people
    A short meet-cute dialogue ensues, detailing exactly how many hours of interviews Levitt had agreed to (two), and exactly how much of his time Dubner actually ended up taking (three days).

Alternative forms

  • meet-cute
  • cute meet Billy Mernit, in his textbook "Writing the Romantic Comedy" (HarperCollins, 2000), modifies the term for use by rom-com screenwriters as a noun-title for this beat (e.g. "The cute meet in my script involves an exploding juicer," etc.).