Definition 2025





mehānisms m (1st declension)

  1. mechanism, engine (system of elements in a machine, device, etc. that allows it to function by means of the motion of its elements)
    automašīnas stūres mehānisms ― car steering mechanism
    pulksteņa mehānisms ― clock mechanism
    skaņu pieraksta mehānisms ― sound recording engine
    iedarbināt mehānismu ― to start the engine
    izjaukt mehānismu ― to disassemble the mechanism
  2. mechanism (system, especially if complex, for producing some work, some result)
    pārvaldes mehānisms ― administrative mechanism
    valsts mehānisms ― the mechanism' of the state
  3. mechanism (system of processes, phenomena, actions, etc. in which one element affects or triggers others)
    domāšanas mehānisms ― the mechanism of thinking
    organisma darbības mehānisms' ― the mechanism of the body's activity
    pētīt ķīmiskās reakcijas mehānismu ― to study the mechanism of a chemical reaction
    pētījumi par evolūcijas un dzīvības procesu mehānismiem ― studies on the mechanism of evolution and the processes of life


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