Definition 2025





milzīgs (def. milzīgais, comp. milzīgāks, sup. vismilzīgākais; adv. milzīgi)

  1. huge, enormous, giant (having very large size)
    milzīga celtne, klintshuge building, rock
    milzīgs putnshuge bird
    milzīga zivshuge fish
    milzīgs romānshuge novel (= having many pages)
    pasaule taču ir milzīga, uz tās tik daudz jūru un okeānu, pilsētu un salu ― but the world is indeed enormous, on it there are so many seas and oceans, cities and islands
  2. huge, enormous, giant (having great extension, covering an extraordinarily long distance; (of time) during extraordinarily long)
    milzīgs atvēziens ― a huge swing
    skriet milzīgiem soļiem ― to run with giant steps
    pagājis milzīgs laiks ― a huge (amount of) time (had) passed
  3. huge, enormous, giant (largely exceding its usual intensity or average numerical value)
    milzīgs vējšhuge wind
    milzīga vētrahuge storm
    milzīgs troksnishuge noise
    milzīga masahuge mass
    milzīgs spiediens, ātrumsenormous pressure, speed
    milzīga ražībahuge productivity
    karaspēka milzīga koncentrācijahuge concentration of troops
    zvaigžņu attālumi ir milzīgi ― distances of (= between) stars are enormous
  4. (of human or animal groups) huge, enormous, giant (composed of a large number of members, elements; having a very large value)
    milzīga armijagiant army
    milzīgs ganāmpulksgiant herd (of cattle, sheep)
    milzīgs bars putnugiant flock of birds
    milzīgs skaits, skaitlisgiant number
    milzīgs parāds, kapitālshuge debt, capital
    milzīga bagātībaenormous wealth
    milzīga naudahuge (amount of) money
    ap desmit muzikantiem sablīvējies milzīgs skolēnu un pusaudžu pūlis ― a huge crowd of students and teenagers formed around the eight musicians
  5. giant, huge, enormous (very important, significant, extraordinary)
    milzīgs trūkums ― a hudge drawback
    milzīga pārticībaenormous prosperity
    milzīgas briesmasgreat danger
    milzīga dāvana ― a huge gift
  6. (of activities) great, giant, huge, enormous (demanding great effort, talent, resources; expressed very strongly, intensively)
    milzīgs darbsgreat, huge work
    milzīga cīņagreat, huge fight, struggle
    milzīgi uzdevumigreat tasks, challenges
    milzīga atbildībagreat responsibility
  7. (of events, experiences, mental states) huge, enormous, great (demanding much energy, having great impact, important consequences)
    milzīgs pārdzīvojums ― a huge, impressive experience
    milzīgs izbrīns ― a huge surprise
    milzīga interese ― a huge interest
    milzīga pārākuma apziņa ― a huge feeling of superiority
    milzīga baudahuge pleasure
    milzīga draudzība ― a great friendship
    milzīga ietekmehuge influence
    sajūsma bija milzīga ― the enthusiasm was enormous
  8. huge, great, very important, very significant
    milzīgs speciālists ― a great specialist
    izvirzīt milzīgus mērķus ― to strive toward huge goals
    notikums ar milzīgu starptautisku nozīmi ― an event with great international significance
  9. (adverbial form) very, very much, hugely, greatly, extraordinarily
    dēls pārāk agri pats sev liekas milzīgi gudrs un pieaudzis ― too soon, the son thought himself hugely wise and grown-up




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