Webster 1913 Edition
, adv.
. See No
.] Not; never.
He never yet no villany
said. Chaucer.
☞ Ne was formerly used as the universal adverb of negation, and survives in certain compounds, as never (= ne ever) and none (= ne one). Other combinations, now obsolete, will be found in the Vocabulary, as nad, nam, nil. See
, 2. ne
[See ]
, adv.
No niggard
no fool. Chaucer.
Ne . . . ne
, neither . . . nor.
Webster 1828 Edition
, not, is obsolete. We find it in early English writers, prefixed to other words; as nill, for ne will, will not; nas, for ne has, has not; nis for ne is, is not.Definition 2025
See also: Appendix:Variations of "ne"
- used to deny or disagree with what was said in the preceding affirmative statement; no
- “Vai tu biji teātrī?” “Nē” — “Were you at the theater?” “No”
- “Vai viņš ir slims?” “Nē” — “Is he sick?” “No”
- used to confirm or agree with what was said in the preceding negative statement; no
- “Avīzi neatvedi?” “Nē”, es iesaucos; “avīzes mums nav.” ― “Didn't you bring the newspaper?” “No,” I exclaimed; “we don't have newspapers.”
- “Tu esi klāt!” viņa sacīja. “Jā, esmu klāt.” “Nenomaldījies?” “Nē, nenomaldījos.” — “You are here!” she said. “Yes, I am here.” “You didn't get lost?” “No, I didn't get lost.”
- used to negate a previous assumption; no
- Atskan telefona zvans: tai vajag būt viņai! Nē, nav. ― The telephone bell rang: it must be her! No, it isn't.
- Ja viss sils izdegtu!... Nē, nē, to Andrikssons nebija gribējis ― If the whole forest burned!... No, no, Andrikssons had not wanted that
- used to correct, precise or reinforce what was said in the preceding utterance; no, rather, actually
- Jūra bija zila. Nē, dzīzāk zaļa ― The sea was blue. No, rather (it was) green.
- Atnākšu rīt. Nē, parīt. ― I'll come tomorrow. No, actually, the day after tomorrow
- Kāds nāca. Nē, tur sarunādamies nāca vairāki vīri. ― Someone was coming. No, actually, several men came talking.
- Ieva reizēm palūkojās: zēns soļoja, rokas šūpodams, šaurajā sejā apņēmīga izteiksme. Nē, Aivars atradīs sev vietu dzīvē ― Ieva looked a few times: the boy walked, arms swinging, a resolute expression in (his) narrow face. No, Aivars will find a place for himself in life
- used to reinforce a negative statement; no
- Nē, neiesim! ― No, we're not going!
- Nē, nevar. ― No, (you) can't (do this).
- Nē, tas patiesi nav saprotams. ― No, this is really not clear
- Nē, citādi tu nevarēji rīkoties. ― No, you could not have acted differently
- used instead of a negative verb form; no, ...not
- vienam ieteicams sauļoties, otrs turpretī nedrīkst; viens var peldēties, cits nē ― to one it is recommended to sit in the sun, the other, however, is not allowed; one may swim, the other no (= may not)
- used as a noun, to indicate a negative answer to a question, or to a proposal
- Kristaps gribēja apprecēties... bet te nu Līvija pateica: nē' ― Kristaps wanted to get marreid... but here Līvija said: no.
- viņai iztapa, viņu lutināja, nekad viņai nebija gadījies dzirdēt “nē”, kad viņa kaut ko vēlējās ― they pleased her, they indulged her, she never had happened to hear “no” when she wanted something
Related terms
- ↑ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “nē”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7