Definition 2025





nepateicīgs (def. nepateicīgais, comp. nepateicīgāks, sup. visnepateicīgākais; adv. nepateicīgi)

  1. ungrateful (showing ingratitude; not feeling, not expressing gratitude, thankfulness)
    nepateicīgs cilvēksungrateful person
    nepateicīgs dēlsgrateful son
    tagad Kroders gaidīja, lai Osis revanšējas un izvirza viņu par savu vietnieku; bet Osis bija nepateicīgs... viņš par savu vietnieku ieteica Andersonu ― then Kroders expected Osis to retribute and choose him as his substitute; but Osis was ungrateful... he chose Andersons as his substitute
  2. (of activities, actions, topics) thankless, unrewarding, not worthwhile (not yielding good results, not giving satisfaction, not justifying the time and resources spent on it)
    nepateicīgs amatsthankless position, job
    nepateicīgs pasākumsthankless event, situation
    nepateicīgs uzdevumsthankless, unrewarding task
    nepateicīga loma ― an unrewarding role (e.g., in a play)
    skolotāja darbs, mūžs... arvienu steidzīgs, bez gala grūts un nepateicīgs ― a teacher's work, life... (is) always hurried, endlessly sad and unrewarding
    nepateicīga nodarbošanās: publišķi apspriest jūtas, kas nepakļaujas prāta spriedumam ― an unrewarding occupation: to discuss publicly feelings that are beyond the mind's judgment
  3. inappropriate, unfavorable, inconducive (such that it does not contribute to some desired state or situation)
    nepateicīga vide bērnu garīgajai attīstībai ― an inappropriate, unfavorable environment for the mental development of children
    nepateicīgi apstākļi gaumes izkopšanaiunfavorable conditions for the cultivation of one's taste


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