Definition 2025





organosol (plural organosols)

  1. A histosol, a soil comprising chiefly organic material.
    • 1990, University of Michigan Southeast Asia Business Education and Resources Program, Southeast Asia Business, Issues 12-23, page 25,
      On the other hand, in many parts of Kalimantan the climate is similar, and it also has large areas of yellow-red podsolic and organosol soils, which although having a rather low fertility, are suitable for some tree crops.
    • 2000, A. Clough, I. P. G. Widjaja-Adhi, J. Sri Adidingsih, A. Kosno, S. Fukai, Characterizing soil phosphorus and potassium status in lowland and upland rice-cropping regions of Indonesia, T. P. Tuong (editor), Characterizing and Understanding Rainfed Environments, page 171,
      Organosols, alluvials, and Latosols are also prevalent particularly in the coastal swamp lands in Sumatra that have been developed as part of the transmigration program (Widjaja-Adhi et al 1996).
    • 2004, Neil McKenzie, Australian Soils and Landscapes: An Illustrated Compendium, page 288,
      Most Organosols are wet soils and many have long been known as peats. [] Some of the less acidic Organosols in southern Australia have been drained and sown to pastures for dairying or used for intensive vegetable growing.
See also

Etymology 2

From organo- (organic) + sol (colloid).


organosol (plural organosols)

  1. A sol (colloid) comprising solid particles in an organic continuous medium.
    • 1969, Harold A. Sarvetnick, Polyvinyl Chloride, page 207,
      With a suitable undercoating, the top coat may consist of an organosol or plastisol which is free from modifying resins.
    • 1999, Yoshikazu Tanabe, Macromolecular Science and Engineering: New Aspects, page 126,
      By the use of metal carbonyls, which are highly soluble in many organic solvents, metal organosols are obtained by thermal decomposition of the metal carbonyls.
    • 2006, Gleb Borisovich Sergeev, Nanochemistry, page 62,
      The spectrum of Pb–MA[lead methylacrylate]organosols was characterized by the presence of the absorption band of lead plasmon with the maximum at ~220 nm.
See also