Definition 2025


pá íosta



íosta m (genitive singular pá íosta)

  1. minimum wage
    • August 2007, Robert McMillen, Beo!, "Baol gur chun olcais a rachaidh an mhíchothromaíocht"
      Tá rún ag Gordon Brown pá íosta na Sé Chontae a ísliú.
      Gordon Brown intends to lower minimum wage in the Six Counties.
    • 22 February 2011, Citizens Information, Know Your Rights: Minimum wage // Pá íosta | What's New
      Is féidir leat tuilleadh eolais a fháil ar na hathruithe ar an bpá íosta ón Údarás Náisiúnta um Chearta Fostaíochta.
      You can get more information on the changes in the minimum wage from the National Employment Rights Authority.
    • 17 April 2012, Citizens Information, Íosrátaí pá
      Ón 1 Iúil 2011 faoi IR 331 de 2011 is é an pá íosta náisiúnta d’fhostaí fásta a bhfuil taithí aici/aige ná €8.65 in aghaidh na huaire (€7.65 roimhe sin).
      Since 1 July 2011 under SI 331 of 2011 the national minimum wage for an experienced adult employee is €8.65 per hour (was €7.65).



Irish mutation
Radical Lenition Eclipsis
pá íosta phá íosta bpá íosta
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every
possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.
