Definition 2025



See also: petó, Peťo, and pęto



peto (accusative singular peton, plural petoj, accusative plural petojn)

  1. behest, request

Related terms




  1. meat-eating beast, predator
  2. carnivore
  3. monster


Inflection of peto (Kotus type 1/valo, t-d gradation)
nominative peto pedot
genitive pedon petojen
partitive petoa petoja
illative petoon petoihin
singular plural
nominative peto pedot
accusative nom. peto pedot
gen. pedon
genitive pedon petojen
partitive petoa petoja
inessive pedossa pedoissa
elative pedosta pedoista
illative petoon petoihin
adessive pedolla pedoilla
ablative pedolta pedoilta
allative pedolle pedoille
essive petona petoina
translative pedoksi pedoiksi
instructive pedoin
abessive pedotta pedoitta
comitative petoineen


Derived terms




From Latin peditum.


  • IPA(key): /ˈ, [ˈpeːt̪o]
  • Hyphenation: pé‧to


peto m (plural peti)

  1. fart, toot

See also




From Proto-Indo-European *peth₂- (to fall; fly). Cognates include Ancient Greek πέτομαι (pétomai, I fly), Sanskrit पतति (pátati), Avestan Avestan 𐬞𐬀𐬙𐬀𐬌𐬙𐬌 (pataiti) and Old Armenian թիռ (tʿiṙ, flight, desire). See English feather, pen for more.


  • (Classical) IPA(key): /ˈpe.toː/, [ˈpɛ.toː]


petō (present infinitive petere, perfect active petīvī, supine petītum); third conjugation

  1. I ask, beg, request.
  2. I make for (somewhere).
  3. I seek, aim at, desire.
    Auxilium deorum peto.
    I am seeking the help of the gods.
    Altiora peto.
    I seek higher things.
  4. I beg, beseech.
  5. I attack.
    Petere aliquem hasta.
    To attack someone with a spear.
  6. (ecclesiastical) To missionize or proselytize among the people of a place
    Peter Romam Marcus Alexandriam petit.
    Peter proselytized in Rome; Mark, in Alexandria. (Bede, Chronica Minor)


   Conjugation of peto (third conjugation)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present petō petis petit petimus petitis petunt
imperfect petēbam petēbās petēbat petēbāmus petēbātis petēbant
future petam petēs petet petēmus petētis petent
perfect petīvī petīvistī petīvit petīvimus petīvistis petīvērunt, petīvēre
pluperfect petīveram petīverās petīverat petīverāmus petīverātis petīverant
future perfect petīverō petīveris petīverit petīverimus petīveritis petīverint
passive present petor peteris, petere petitur petimur petiminī petuntur
imperfect petēbar petēbāris, petēbāre petēbātur petēbāmur petēbāminī petēbantur
future petar petēris, petēre petētur petēmur petēminī petentur
perfect petītus + present active indicative of sum
pluperfect petītus + imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect petītus + future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present petam petās petat petāmus petātis petant
imperfect peterem peterēs peteret peterēmus peterētis peterent
perfect petīverim petīverīs petīverit petīverīmus petīverītis petīverint
pluperfect petīvissem petīvissēs petīvisset petīvissēmus petīvissētis petīvissent
passive present petar petāris, petāre petātur petāmur petāminī petantur
imperfect peterer peterēris, peterēre peterētur peterēmur peterēminī peterentur
perfect petītus + present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect petītus + imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present pete petite
future petitō petitō petitōte petuntō
passive present petere petiminī
future petitor petitor petuntor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives petere petīvisse petītūrus esse petī petītus esse petītum īrī
participles petēns petītūrus petītus petendus
verbal nouns gerund supine
nominative genitive dative/ablative accusative accusative ablative
petere petendī petendō petendum petītum petītū

Derived terms



  • peto in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • peto in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • Meissner, Carl; Auden, Henry William (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • to go to a plac: petere locum
    • to apply to a person for advice: consilium petere ab aliquo
    • to borrow instances from history: exempla petere, repetere a rerum gestarum memoria or historiarum (annalium, rerum gestarum) monumentis
    • to quote Socrates as a model of virtue: a Socrate exemplum virtutis petere, repetere
    • to derive an argument from a thing: argumentum ducere, sumere ex aliqua re or petere ab aliqua re
    • to ask for an oracular response: oraculum petere (ab aliquo)
    • to ask a hearing, audience, interview: aditum conveniendi or colloquium petere
    • to use some one's unpopularity as a means of making oneself popular: ex invidia alicuius auram popularem petere (Liv. 22. 26)
    • to seek office: petere magistratum, honores
    • to exact a penalty from some one: poenam petere, repetere ab aliquo
    • to give furlough, leave of absence to soldiers: commeatum militibus dare (opp. petere)
    • to beg for mercy from the conqueror: salutem petere a victore
    • to seek safety in flight: fuga salutem petere



Borrowing from Italian petto (chest, breast), from Latin pectus, whence also Spanish pecho.


  • IPA(key): /ˈpe̞.to̞/


peto m (plural petos)

  1. bib
  2. breastplate
  3. shirtfront
  4. (zoology) plastron
  5. (historical) plastron
  6. (sports) chest pad



peto” in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima segunda edición, Real Academia Española, 2001.