Definition 2025





pilnīgs (def. pilnīgais, comp. pilnīgāks, sup. vispilnīgākais; adv. pilnīgi)

  1. complete, total, full, perfect, absolute (having reached the highest degree, the highest level, in its form, adequacy, suitability for use, etc.)
    pilnīgs klusumscomplete silence
    pilnīga tumsatotal darkness
    pilnīgs haosstotal chaos, a complete mess
    gūt pilnīgu uzvaru ― to obtain a complete victory
    māja ir pilnīgā kārtībā ― the house is in perfect order
    atrasties pilīgā drošībā ― to be absolutely safe (lit. in absolute safety)
  2. perfect (very similar to something else)
    zupa savārījusies pilnīgā biezputrā ― the soup was cooked into a perfect porridge
  3. (of mental or physical states) perfect, total, complete, full (very strong, visible, obvious)
    pilnīga sajūsmatotal delight
    pilnīgs nervu sabrukumsfull nervous breakdown
    izjust pilnīgu nespēku ― to feel complete exhaustion
  4. (of people) full, complete, absolute (who has all the power, all the necessary skills and qualities for an occupation or situation)
    ja tu gaidi par savu darbu spriedumu no citiem, tad neesi tai darbā vēl pilnīgs, bet tikai māceklis ― if you wait for the judgment of others on your work, then you are not complete, full in your work, but only an apprentice.
    šinī mājā uzraugs bija pilnīgs valdnieks ― in this house the guard was a full, absolute ruler
  5. (of people) full (corresponding to a given ideal of personhood)
    pilnīga personība ― a full personality, personhood
    ja gribi pilnīgs būt un sevī liels... ― if you want to be full and great in(side of) yourself...
  6. (of people's qualities, especially negative ones) complete, full, perfect
    pilnīgs muļķis ― a complete fool
  7. complete, full (covering all its extension, space; covering all details)
    pilnīgs saules apstumsumsfull solar eclipse
    pilnīgs jautājuma izklāstscomplete presentation of the matter
    gūt pilnīgu informāciju ― to obtain complete, full information
    complete, full (with nothing missing)
    pilnīgs sporta sacensību dalībnieku sarakstscomplete list of participants in sports events
    pilnīgs kopotu rakstu izdevumscomplete works edition (i.e., of the works of a given writer)
  8. (of people) full, plump, chubby (gloss|relatively fat}}
    pilnīgas lūpasfull lips
    viņa ir liela, veselīga sieviete, varbūt tikai mazliet pilnīgāka, nekā būtu nepieciešami vajadzīgs ― she is a big, healthy woman, maybe a little bit chubbier than would be really necessary
  9. (colloquial) physically, mentally healthy
    viņš neticēja iespējām, ka no šī kara kāds var atgriezties pilnīgs ― he didn't believe in the possibility that from this war someone could return healthy
    saimniece bija palaidusi valodas, ka šuvēja Lapsiņu Frīda vairs neesot gluži pilnīga; caurām dienām dzivojot pa savu istabu, viena pati sarunājoties un dziedot ― the mistress had started a rumor that the seamstress Lapsiņu Frīda no longer was fully (mentally) healthy; she spent the day in her room, talking and singing alone


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