Definition 2025
spelling pronunciation
spelling pronunciation (plural spelling pronunciations)
- A pronunciation that has been modified from its traditional form in order to reflect the spelling of the word in question.
- 1988, D. W. Cummings, American English Spelling: An Informal Description, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, ISBN 9780801834431, p. 23:
- Jespersen ([1909] 1954) says that spelling pronunciation has affected the pronunciation of all the following words: second (1:25); nephew (1:42); theater, apothecary, catholic, throne (1:45); humble, host, inherit, heretic, heresy, homely, hypocrite, hypocrisy, hospital, heritage, heritor, humor, hermit, hotel (1:61–62); novel (1:91), periwig (1:105); registrar (1:198); assoil, precise (1:204); wassail (1:268); fault, vault, assault, Walter, altar, fealty, moult, cauldron, baldric, herald, ribald, emerald, soldier, falcon, realm (1:295–97).
- 1988, D. W. Cummings, American English Spelling: An Informal Description, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, ISBN 9780801834431, p. 23: