Definition 2025





superdatabase (plural superdatabases)

  1. (databases) A large or composite database.
    • 1998, IEEE, 1998 Index to IEEE Publications
      A technological and infrastructural challenge: a superdatabase for accessing all electronically published science and technology articles at once...
    • 1999, Susan Gauch, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Information Knowledge
      Every 30 databases are grouped into a superdatabase.
    • 2008, Alan Travis, Richard Norton-Taylor, Private firm may track all email and calls (The Guardian, 31 December 2008)
      But in his strongest criticism yet of the superdatabase, Sir Ken Macdonald, the former director of public prosecutions, who has firsthand experience of working with intelligence and law enforcement agencies, told the Guardian such assurances would prove worthless in the long run...