Definition 2025






  1. To grub (to dig in search of something, as e.g. a pig does to find food).
  2. To scavenge (to search through unwanted material for useful material).
  3. To dig (to research a particular subject, especially a suspicious case).


Inflection of tonkia (Kotus type 61/sallia, nk-ng gradation)
indicative mood
present tense perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. tongin en tongi 1st sing. olen tonkinut en ole tonkinut
2nd sing. tongit et tongi 2nd sing. olet tonkinut et ole tonkinut
3rd sing. tonkii ei tongi 3rd sing. on tonkinut ei ole tonkinut
1st plur. tongimme emme tongi 1st plur. olemme tonkineet emme ole tonkineet
2nd plur. tongitte ette tongi 2nd plur. olette tonkineet ette ole tonkineet
3rd plur. tonkivat eivät tongi 3rd plur. ovat tonkineet eivät ole tonkineet
passive tongitaan ei tongita passive on tongittu ei ole tongittu
past tense pluperfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. tongin en tonkinut 1st sing. olin tonkinut en ollut tonkinut
2nd sing. tongit et tonkinut 2nd sing. olit tonkinut et ollut tonkinut
3rd sing. tonki ei tonkinut 3rd sing. oli tonkinut ei ollut tonkinut
1st plur. tongimme emme tonkineet 1st plur. olimme tonkineet emme olleet tonkineet
2nd plur. tongitte ette tonkineet 2nd plur. olitte tonkineet ette olleet tonkineet
3rd plur. tonkivat eivät tonkineet 3rd plur. olivat tonkineet eivät olleet tonkineet
passive tongittiin ei tongittu passive oli tongittu ei ollut tongittu
conditional mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. tonkisin en tonkisi 1st sing. olisin tonkinut en olisi tonkinut
2nd sing. tonkisit et tonkisi 2nd sing. olisit tonkinut et olisi tonkinut
3rd sing. tonkisi ei tonkisi 3rd sing. olisi tonkinut ei olisi tonkinut
1st plur. tonkisimme emme tonkisi 1st plur. olisimme tonkineet emme olisi tonkineet
2nd plur. tonkisitte ette tonkisi 2nd plur. olisitte tonkineet ette olisi tonkineet
3rd plur. tonkisivat eivät tonkisi 3rd plur. olisivat tonkineet eivät olisi tonkineet
passive tongittaisiin ei tongittaisi passive olisi tongittu ei olisi tongittu
imperative mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. 1st sing.
2nd sing. tongi älä tongi 2nd sing. ole tonkinut älä ole tonkinut
3rd sing. tonkikoon älköön tonkiko 3rd sing. olkoon tonkinut älköön olko tonkinut
1st plur. tonkikaamme älkäämme tonkiko 1st plur. olkaamme tonkineet älkäämme olko tonkineet
2nd plur. tonkikaa älkää tonkiko 2nd plur. olkaa tonkineet älkää olko tonkineet
3rd plur. tonkikoot älkööt tonkiko 3rd plur. olkoot tonkineet älkööt olko tonkineet
passive tongittakoon älköön tongittako passive olkoon tongittu älköön olko tongittu
potential mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. tonkinen en tonkine 1st sing. lienen tonkinut en liene tonkinut
2nd sing. tonkinet et tonkine 2nd sing. lienet tonkinut et liene tonkinut
3rd sing. tonkinee ei tonkine 3rd sing. lienee tonkinut ei liene tonkinut
1st plur. tonkinemme emme tonkine 1st plur. lienemme tonkineet emme liene tonkineet
2nd plur. tonkinette ette tonkine 2nd plur. lienette tonkineet ette liene tonkineet
3rd plur. tonkinevat eivät tonkine 3rd plur. lienevät tonkineet eivät liene tonkineet
passive tongittaneen ei tongittane passive lienee tongittu ei liene tongittu
Nominal forms
infinitives participles
active passive active passive
1st tonkia present tonkiva tongittava
long 1st2 tonkiakseen past tonkinut tongittu
2nd inessive1 tonkiessa tongittaessa agent1, 3 tonkima
instructive tonkien negative tonkimaton
3rd inessive tonkimassa 1) Usually with a possessive suffix.

2) Used only with a possessive suffix; this is the form for the third-person singular and third-person plural.
3) Does not exist in the case of intransitive verbs. Do not confuse with nouns formed with the -ma suffix.

elative tonkimasta
illative tonkimaan
adessive tonkimalla
abessive tonkimatta
instructive tonkiman tongittaman
4th nominative tonkiminen
partitive tonkimista
5th2 tonkimaisillaan
