Definition 2025






  1. accusative singular masculine form of tuvs
  2. instrumental singular masculine form of tuvs
  3. genitive plural masculine form of tuvs
  4. accusative singular feminine form of tuvs
  5. instrumental singular feminine form of tuvs
  6. genitive plural feminine form of tuvs



  1. near, close; adverbial form of tuvs
    aiz loga mežs bija tuvu ― behind the window, the forest was near
    zēns pieskrēja tuvu pie ugunskura ― the boy ran near by the fire
    skatīties tuvu ― to look around nearby (= at nearby things)
    rīts ir tuvu ― the morning is close
  2. (used prepositionally + dat.) near, close to, next to
    laiva atrodas tuvu krastam ― the book is near the shore
    skola ir tuvu mājām ― the school is near the house
    dzīvot tuvu pilsētai ― to live close to the city
    ārsts apsēdās tuvu slimniekam ― the doctor sat down next to the patient
  3. (used prepositionally + dat.) near, close to, about to (almost doing something, near the begining of an action)
    būt tuvu izmisumam ― to be close to despair
    bērns bija tuvu raudām ― the child was close to tears, about to cry
  4. (used as prepositionally + dat.) about, approximately
    sacensībās dalībnieku bija tuvu simtam ― there were close to, about a hundred participants in the competition
    darbs ilgst tuvu diviem mēnešiem ― the work lasts close to, about nine months
    darbs tika pabeigts tuvu pusdienai ― the work was finished at about noon