Definition 2025



See also: vājībā



vājība f (4th declension)

  1. weakness (a character defect, an undesirable personality trait, negative propensity, tendency)
    kad cilvēks pats būs atsvabinājies no savām lielajām vājībām, no mantkārības, cietsirdības un patmīlas, tad un tikai tad arī ārējā dzīve kļūs brīvāka un skaistāka ― when the individual becomes free from his big weaknesses, from greed, cruelty and selfishness, then and only then will the external life become freer and more beautiful
  2. (figuratively) weakness (a special interest for something)
    viņam ir vājība uz mākslas priekšmetiem ― he has a weakness for works of art
    teātris ir viņa vājība ― theater is his weakness (i.e., he likes it)
  3. (dated) disease, illness, physical weakness
    rītā Ilze bija jautrāka un spirgtāka nekā citām dienām savas vājības laikā ― in the morning Ilze was more cheerful and fresh than in other days at the time of her illness


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