Definition 2025





zemūdens (invariable)

  1. underwater, submarine, subaquatic (that which is located or happens under or inside water, usually in a body of water)
    zemūdens rifiunderwater reefs
    zemūdens ainavaunderwater landscape
    zemūdens straumeunderwater stream
    zemūdens vulkānssubmarine volcano
    zemūdens tunelisunderwater tunnel
    zemūdens reliefssubmarine topography
    zemūdens peldēšana ― scuba diving (lit. underwater swimming)
    zemūdens kābelissubmarine cable
    zemūdens televīzijaunderwater television
    zemūdens akustiskie sakarisubmarine audio communication
    vakarā baseinu paredzēts apgaismot ar zemūdens spuldzēm ― in the evening they intend to illuminate the swimming pool with underwater lamps
    sauszemes veģetācijā galvenā nozīme ir dažādiem sēklaugiem, turpretī jūrās un okeānos zemūdens “pļavas” veido aļģes ― various seed-bearing plants play a key role in terrestrial vegetation, while the submarine “meadows” in the seas and oceans consist of algae

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