Definition 2025





ægthed c (singular definite ægtheden, not used in plural form)

  1. authenticity (of a historical artifact)
    • 1830, Kongelige Danske videnskabernes selskab, Det Kongelige Danske videnskabernes selskabs skrifter: Historisk og philosophisk afdeling, page 65
      Endnu have vi jo Stenen, som Harald lod reise over sine Forældre og Ægtheden af dens Indskrift synes efter de seneste Undersögelser tilstrækkeligen beviist...
      Indeed, we still have the stone that Harald had raised to his parents, and the authenticity of its inscription seems to be, after the latest investigations, to be sufficiently proven...
    • 2015, Mario Reading, Jagten på Nostradamus' forsvundne profetier, Lindhardt og Ringhof (ISBN 9788711455364)
      „Når det drejer sig om den slags penge, er vi nødt til at inspicere manuskriptet, før vi køber . At bekræfte dets ægthed.“
      „When it comes to that kind of money, we have to inspect the manuscript before bying it. To confirm its authenticity.“
    • 1983, Staten, Museum Tusculanum Press (ISBN 9788772891774), page 7
      Overbevisningen om dets ægthed nærmer sig nu til dags et dogme, men som det går ved alle dogmer, er der også her kættere.
      These days, the convictions of its authenticity approaches a dogma, but as it happens with all dogmata, here, too, there are heretics.
    • 1994, Benjamin, (an) æstetik (ISBN 9788773322772)
      Kemiske analyser af en bronces patina kan tjene til at fastslå dens ægthed; tilsvarende kan påvisningen af, at et bestemt middelalderhåndskrift stammer fra et 1500-tals arkiv, fremme konstateringen af dets ægthed.
      Chemical analyses of the patina of a bronce item may serve to confirm its authenticity; equivalently, proving that a certain medieval handwriting is from a 16th century archive may advance the establishment of its authenticity.