Definition 2025






  1. to be

Usage notes

  • The Future tense in Sicilian has fallen into disuse. There are at least two methods to express the future in Sicilian:
    • by using the Presente Indicative, or
    • by using the construction aviri a, which is similar to the have to construction in English.
  • The Conditional has also fallen into disuse in Sicilian.
    • The Present Conditional may be replaced by the Present Indicative or the Imperfect Subjunctive.
    • The Past Conditional may be replaced by the Past Perfect Subjunctive.
  • See the Wikipedia article on the Sicilian language for more information.


simple compound
infinitive èssiri aviri statu
past participle statu -
gerund essennu avennu statu
person singular plural
first second third first second third
indicative iu tu iddu/idda nuiatri vuiatri iddi
present sugnu è, esti semu siti sunnu,
imperfect era eri era èramu èravu èranu
preterite fui fusti fu fomu fùstivu foru
conditional fora fori fora fòramu fòravu fòranu
present perfect Use the present tense of aviri plus the past participle
past perfect Use the imperfect tense of aviri plus the past participle
past conditional Use the conditional tense of aviri plus the past participle
subjunctive iu tu iddu/idda nuiatri vuiatri iddi
present sia si', fussi sia siamu siati sianu
imperfect fussi fussi fussi fùssimu fùssivu fùssiru
present perfect Use the imperfect subjunctive of aviri plus the past participle
imperative - tu vassìa nuiatri vuiatri -
fussi semu siti