Webster 1828 Edition



, the termination of many English words, is the Teutonic form of the Latin or; the one contracted from wer, the other from vir, a man. It denotes an agent, originally of the masculine gender, but now applied to men or things indifferently; as in farmer, heater, grater. At the end names of places, er signifies a man of the place; Londoner is the same as London-man.
There is a passage in Herodotus, Melpomene, 110, in which the word wer, vir, a man, is mentioned as used by the Scythians; a fact proving the affinity of the Scythian and the Teutonic nations.
'The Scythians call the Amazons Oiorpata, a word which may be rendered, in Greek, menkillers; for oior is the name they give to man, pata signifies to kill.' Pata, in the Burman language, signifies to kill; but it is probable that this is really the English beat.

Definition 2025



See also: Appendix:Variations of "er"



ér (plural erek)

  1. rill

Etymology 2

From Proto-Uralic *särä (vein, root).


ér (plural erek)

  1. (anatomy) blood vessel, vein
  2. (botany) vein (a thickened portion of the leaf containing the vascular bundle)
Inflection (stem in -e-, front unrounded harmony)
singular plural
nominative ér erek
accusative eret ereket
dative érnek ereknek
instrumental érrel erekkel
causal-final érért erekért
translative érré erekké
terminative érig erekig
essive-formal érként erekként
inessive érben erekben
superessive eren ereken
adessive érnél ereknél
illative érbe erekbe
sublative érre erekre
allative érhez erekhez
elative érből erekből
delative érről erekről
ablative értől erektől
Possessive forms of ér
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. erem ereim
2nd person sing. ered ereid
3rd person sing. ere erei
1st person plural erünk ereink
2nd person plural eretek ereitek
3rd person plural erük ereik
Derived terms

(Compound words):

Etymology 3

Origin uncertain; perhaps from a Turkic language, compare Uyghuric är-, Chagatay ir-, Turkish er- (reach) verb forms.



  1. to reach
    • 1863, János Arany, Buda halála, canto 6:
      Értek vala éjszakára / Kur vizének a partjára; / Folyóvíznek partja mellett / Paripájok jól legelhet.
  2. to catch (to discover unexpectedly; to surprise)
    • 1974, Leo Tolstoy (author), László Németh (translator), Anna Karenina [Anna Karenina], Bucharest: Kriterion Könyvkiadó (1989), ISBN 9732600047, volume 1, part 1, chapter 1, page 7:
      Az történt vele ebben a pillanatban, ami az emberrel történni szokott, ha váratlanul igen szégyenletes dolgon érik. Arcát nem tudta a helyzethez szabni, amelybe bűne felfedésével a felesége előtt került.
  • (to discover unexpectedly, to surprise): rajtakap
Derived terms

(With verbal prefixes):

  • beér
  • elér
  • kiér
  • leér
  • visszaér


Etymology 4

From ér ("reach").



  1. be worth
Derived terms



ér (Zhuyin ㄦˊ)

  1. Pinyin transcription of
  2. Pinyin transcription of
  3. Pinyin transcription of
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