Webster 1913 Edition



one, the same word as the numeral. See
, and cf.
This word is properly an adjective, but is commonly called the indefinite article. It is used before nouns of the singular number only, and signifies one, or any, but somewhat less emphatically. In such expressions as “twice an hour,” “once an age,” a shilling an ounce (see 2d
, 2), it has a distributive force, and is equivalent to each, every.
An is used before a word beginning with a vowel sound; as, an enemy, an hour. It in also often used before h sounded, when the accent of the word falls on the second syllable; as, an historian, an hyena, an heroic deed. Many writers use a before h in such positions. Anciently an was used before consonants as well as vowels.


[Shortened fr.
, OE.
, sometimes
and if
, in introducing conditional clauses, like Icel.
if, the same word as
. Prob.
was originally pleonastic before the conditional clause.]
If; – a word used by old English authors.
thou dalliest, then I am thy foe.
B. Jonson.
An if
and if; if.

Webster 1828 Edition



[L. unus, una, unum; Gr.]
One; noting an individual, either definitely, known, certain, specified, or understood; or indefinitely, not certain, known, or specified. Definitely, as 'Noah built an ark of Gopher wood.' 'Paul was an eminent apostle.' Indefinitely, as 'Bring me an orange.' Before a consonant the letter n is dropped, as a man; but our ancestors wrote an man, an king. This letter represents an definitely, or indefinitely. Definitely, as 'I will take you to me for a people, and I will be to you a God.' Ex. 6. Indefinitely, as 'the province of a judge is to decide controversies.' An being the same word as one, should not be used with it; 'such an one' is tautology; the true phrase is such one. Although an, a and one, are the same word, and always have the same sense, yet by custom, an and a are used exclusively as a definite adjective, and one is used in numbering. Where our ancestors wrote an, twa, thry, we now use one, two, three. So an and a are never used except with a noun; but one like other adjectives, is sometimes used without its noun, and as a substitute for it; 'one is at a loss to assign a reason for such conduct.'


, in old English authors, signifies if; as, 'an it please your honor.' Gr.; L. an, if or whether. It is probably an imperative, like if, gif, give.

Definition 2025



See also: Appendix:Variations of "an"



ān (Zhuyin )

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