Definition 2025
ātrums m (1st declension)
- (physics) speed, velocity (property of motion, defined by the distance covered in a unit amount of time)
- skrējiena ātrums ― race speed
- skaņas ātrums ― speed of sound
- gaismas ātrums ― speed of light
- kosmiskais ātrums ― escape (lit. cosmic) velocity
- ātruma rādītājs, spidometrs — speed indicator, speedometer
- uzņemt ātrums ― to pick up, to increase speed
- zibens ātruma bezdelīgas šaujas no mājām uz lauku ― with lightning speed the swallows flew (lit. shot) from home to the field
- (of processes, activities, events) speed, rapidity, rate
- elpošanas ātrums ― breathing rate
- pulsācijas ātrums ― pulse, pulsation rate
- zivju augšanas ātrums ― fish growth rate
- uztveres ātrums ― perceptual speed
- viss norisinājās neiedomājamā ātrumā' ― everything happened at an incredible speed
- (in locative) in a hurry, hurriedly
- ātrumā aizmirst ko pateikt ― to forget what to say in a hurry
- ātrumā kļūdīties ― to make a mistake in a hurry, hurriedly
- (cars, automobiles) gear
- braukt ar trešo ātrumu ― to ride in, with the third gear
- pārslēgt ātrumu ― to shift gears
- šoferis pārslēdza ātrumu, lai mašīna straujāk ripotu uz priekšu ― the driver shifted gears, so that the car would ride forward faster
Declension of ātrums (1st declension)
singular (vienskaitlis) | plural (daudzskaitlis) | |
nominative (nominatīvs) | ātrums | ātrumi |
accusative (akuzatīvs) | ātrumu | ātrumus |
genitive (ģenitīvs) | ātruma | ātrumu |
dative (datīvs) | ātrumam | ātrumiem |
instrumental (instrumentālis) | ātrumu | ātrumiem |
locative (lokatīvs) | ātrumā | ātrumos |
vocative (vokatīvs) | ātrum | ātrumi |