Definition 2025





šķīsts (def. šķīstais, comp. šķīstāks, sup. visšķīstākais; adv. šķīsti)

  1. (religion) pure, immaculate, without sin (who never sinned; who was purified, who had his/her sins forgiven)
    šķīsts ticīgaispure believer
  2. (morally) pure, virtuous (who follows high moral standards)
    nekas, pēc viņas domām, nebija tik šķīsts un dievišķīgs kā viņas pirmā mīlestība ― nothing, in her opinino, was as pure and divine as her first love
    puisis šķīstā jaunības dedzībā godīgi izstāstīja visu dzirdēto ― the young man, in the virtuous enthusiasm of youth, repeated truthfully all he had heard
    ai daktera kungs, manam bērnam gan nav pērļu un dārgu akmeņu, bet viņas rota ir viņas tikums un šķīstā sirds ― oh, doctor, my child does not have pearls and precious stones; his playthings are his honesty and his pure, virtuous heart
  3. virgin, virginal, chaste (not having had sex yet; who refrains voluntarily from having sex)
    tu gan izliecies aplam šķīsta jaunava; varbūt arī tāda esi? ― you have deviated wrongly (= to the wrong path), chaste young woman; are you maybe (still) such (= chaste)?
  4. (dated, usually about clothes, body) clean
    labi izmazgātie un izvelētie, šķīstu mirdzumu starojošie linu krekli ― well washed, well cleaned shirts, having (lit. radiating) a clean shine



Derived terms

Related terms

  • šķīst


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), šķīst”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7