Definition 2025



See also: saurs



šaurs (def. šaurais, comp. šaurāks, sup. visšaurākais; adv. šauri)

  1. narrow (having little breadth; having a relatively small distance from side to side, or (for round objects) a relatively small diameter)
    šaura iela, ejanarrow street, passage
    šaurs koridorsnarrow corridor
    šauras kāpnes, durvisnarrow stairs, door
    šaura gultanarrow bed
    šaura jostanarrow belt
    šaurs trauksnarrow bowl
    šaura seja, pierenarrow face, forehead
  2. narrow (uncomfortable because of lack of space)
    šaurs dzīvoklisnarrow (= stifling, too small) apartment
  3. (mathematics) acute
    šaurs leņķisacute angle (between 0° and 90°)
  4. (of clothes, shoes) tight
    kleita plecos ir šaura ― the dress is tight at the shoulder
    kurpes par šauram ― too tight shoes
  5. (phonetics) narrow, tense (pronounced with relatively small mouth opening)
    šaurais patskanisnarrow, tense vowel
    šaurais e, ēnarrow, tense e, ē (i.e., [ɛ] instead of [æ])
  6. (of social groups) narrow (including relatively few people)
    vārdi un frāzes, ko lieto tikai kāda šaura sociāla grupa ― words and phrases that only a certain narrow social group uses
    tās lasītāju loks tolaik bija diezgan šaurs ― its readership at the time was rather narrow
  7. narrow (a smaller subset of a larger domain of activity)
    šaura specializācijanarrow specialty, specialization
    tematiski šaura izstāde ― thematically narrow exhibition
  8. (of vision; also thoughts, beliefs, ideas, etc.) narrow (lacking versality, breadth, depth)
    šaurs redzesloksnarrow range of vision
    šaurs garīgais apvārsnisnarrow spiritual horizon
    šaurs skatījums uz dzīvinarrow outlook on life
    šaurs uzskatinarrow views, opinions




  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), šaurs”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7