Definition 2025





ūsains (def. ūsainais, comp. ūsaināks, sup. visūsainākais; adv. ūsaini)

  1. mustached, having a mustache
    ūsains tēvocis ― a mustached uncle
    starp bārdainiem un ūsainiem vīriem vienīgā dāma bija bufetes jaunkundze Emma ― among the bearded and mustached men the only lady was the buffet's Miss Emma
    mazais kaprālis stāsta savam drūmajam ūsainajam draugam, kāpēc Sloka par katru cenu jānotur ― the small corporal tells his gloomy mustached friend why they had to keep Sloka at any cost
    “ko tu darīsi! tādi laiki!” ūsinainais atņurdēja, ūsu galus braucīdams ― “what will you do! these times!” the mustached (man) grumbled, stroking the ends of his mustache
  2. whiskered
    ūsains kaķēnswhiskered kitten
  3. having barbels, antennae
    ūsains kukainisantenna-having insect
    ūsaini prusakiantenna-having cockroaches


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