ǀʻàã (tone II, class 2, plural ǀʻàn-tê, diminutive kâ-ǀʻàã-mà or ǀʻàã ʘàa, diminutive plural ǀʻàã ʘʻâni or ǀʻàna-tê ʘʻâni)
- fire, firewood
- ǃqhàn tì ìh ń m'ã ǀʻàã bí ń kâ ʻōhba ʻǀêẽ.
- This moon is like fire, i.e. is red.
Derived terms
Derived terms
- ǀʻàã `a̰a = fire drill (not the alarm)
- ǀʻàã qáe = base fire stick
- ǀʻàã ǀnàn = piece of glowing charcoal
- ǀʻàã ǁg`a̰e = firelight
- ǀʻàã ǃánu = a piece of firewood burnt at one end
- ǀʻàã ʘʻâni = twigs (diminutive plural)
- ǁqháa ǀnàã ǀʻàã = to urinate on fire in order to bring cooling wind and rain
- A ǃXóõ Dictionary, ISBN 978-3-89645-869-8