Definition 2025



See also: ἀμφί and αμφί-


Alternative forms


αμφι- (amfi-)

  1. added before a noun, adjective or verb to create words that indicates something on two sides or in two places; amphi-, ambi-, bi-:
    βίος (víos, life)     αμφίβιος (amfívios, amphibian, amphibious)
    δέξιος (déxios, dextrous)     αμφιδέξιος (amfidéxios, ambidextrous)
    θέατρο (théatro, theatre)     αμφιθέατρο (amfithéatro, amphitheatre)
    -φυλόφιλος (-fylófilos, -sexual)     αμφιφυλόφιλος (amfifylófilos, bisexual)
    λεγόμενος (legómenos, spoken, so-called, would be)     αμφιλεγόμενος (amfilegómenos, controversial)
  2. added before a noun, adjective or verb to create words that indicates something between two opposing senses or between two places; amphi-, ambi-, bi-:
    θυμία (thymía, willingness)     αμφιθυμία (amfithymía, ambivalence)
    ταλάντευση (talántefsi, fluctuation, oscillation)     αμφιταλάντευση (amfitalántefsi, vacillation, dithering)

Derived terms

<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Greek_words_prefixed_with_%CE%B1%CE%BC%CF%86%CE%B9-'>Greek words prefixed with αμφι-</a>
<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Greek_words_prefixed_with_%CE%B1%CE%BC%CF%86%CE%AF-'>Greek words prefixed with αμφί-</a>