Definition 2025
θα • (tha)
- added before the present verb forms to form the continuous or imperfective future tense:
- Θα τον προσέχω όλη μου τη ζωή. ― Tha ton prosécho óli mou ti zoí. ― I will watch over him for the rest of my life.
- Ο αδερφός μου θα βλέπει την σειρά όσο συνεχίσει. ― O aderfós mou tha vlépei tin seirá óso synechísei. ― My brother will be watching that series as long as it continues.
- Ας γκρινιάζει, εγώ θα πηγαίνω εκεί όσο θέλω. ― As nkriniázei, egó tha pigaíno ekeí óso thélo. ― Let him moan, I'll go there for as long as I want.
- added before the dependent verb forms to form the simple or perfective future tense:
- Αύριο, θα δούμε μια ταινία στο σινεμά. ― Ávrio, tha doúme mia tainía sto sinemá. ― Tomorrow, we'll see a film at the cinema.
- Σου υπόσχομαι ότι δεν θα πω τίποτα. ― Sou ypóschomai óti den tha po típota. ― I promise you I won't say anything.
- Όταν το δει η μάνα μου, θα με σκοτώσει! ― Ótan to dei i mána mou, tha me skotósei! ― When my mother sees it, she'll kill me!
- added before the present forms of έχω and the non-finite to form some types of the future perfect:
- Μέχρι να γυρίσεις από την αγορά, θα έχω τελειώσει. ― Méchri na gyríseis apó tin agorá, tha écho teleiósei. ― By the time you come back from the market, I will have finished.
- Τον Ιανουάριο, θα έχω δουλέψει εκεί είκοσι χρόνια. ― Ton Ianouário, tha écho doulépsei ekeí eíkosi chrónia. ― In January, I will have worked there twenty years.
- added before the imperfect forms of έχω and the non-finite to form some types of the pluperfect:
- Θα είχα πάει να κοιμηθώ, γι' αυτό δεν σε άκουσα. ― Tha eícha páei na koimithó, gi' aftó den se ákousa. ― I would have gone to sleep, that's why I didn't hear you.
- added before the imperfect verb forms to form the conditional mood:
- Αν δεν είχα φρενάρει, θα τον σκότωνα. ― An den eícha frenárei, tha ton skótona. ― If I hadn't braked, I would have killed him.
- Τι θα γινόταν αν πατούσα αυτό το κουμπί; ― Ti tha ginótan an patoúsa aftó to koumpí? ― What would happen if I pressed this button?
- Εγώ σ' αυτή την περίπτωση, θα του έλεγα να φύγει. ― Egó s' aftí tin períptosi, tha tou élega na fýgei. ― In that case, I'd tell him to leave.