Definition 2025
See also: до- and Appendix:Variations of "do"
до • (do)
- near, close to
- един до друг ― edin do drug ― side by side
- up to, as far as
- до кръста ― do krǎsta ― down to the waist
- until, till
- до последната минута ― do poslednata minuta ― to the last minute
до • (do)
- next to, beside
- Ќе седнам до тебе.
- I'm going to sit down next to you.
- Ќе седнам до тебе.
- to, up to
- Ќе одиме до езерото.
- We'll go up to the lake.
- Ќе одиме до езерото.
- until
- Нема да се видиме до крајот на годинава.
- We won't see each other until the end of this year.
- Нема да се видиме до крајот на годинава.
Etymology 1
- IPA(key): [də]
до • (do) (+ genitive case)
Derived terms
- до того́ как (do tovó kak)
Etymology 2
- IPA(key): [do]
до • (do) n inan (indeclinable)
Etymology 1
From Proto-Slavic *do, from Proto-Indo-European *de-, *do-.
- IPA(key): /dô/
до̏ (Latin spelling dȍ)
- only, except
- ни(т)ко до ја ― nobody but me, only me
- не једе ништа до комад хљеба/хлеба ― he eats nothing except a piece of bread
- around, approximately
- до два метра ― around two meters
- до 5 кила ― around five kilograms
- due to, because of
- то је до хране ― that's due to the food
до̏ (Latin spelling dȍ)
- (with genitive) up to, to, as far as, by
- од Загреба до Београда ― from Zagreb to Belgrade
- од јутра до мрака ― from morning to night
- од 5 до 10 сати ― from 5 to 10 o'clock
- од врха до дна ― from top to bottom
- до р(иј)еке ― as far as the river
- сад је пет до седам ― now it's five minutes to seven
- до понед(ј)ељка ― by Monday
- до сада ― so far, thus far, till now
- до недавна ― until recently
- до дана данашњега ― to this very day
- све до ― as far as up to, all the way to
- до куда ― how far
- до туда ― thus far, up to here
- before (= при̏је/пре̏)
- до рата ― before the war
- (with genitive) beside, next (to)
- с(ј)еди до мене ― sit next to me
- један до другога ― side by side
- idiomatic and figurative meanings
- није ми до тога ― I don't feel like doing that
- није ми до см(иј)еха ― I don't feel like laughing
- њему је само до секса ― he is only interested in sex
- није ми пуно стало до тога ― I'm not very much interested in that
- није до мене ― it's not up to me, it's no me to lame
Etymology 2
From Proto-Slavic *dolъ.
Alternative forms
- IPA(key): /dôː/
до̑ m (Latin spelling dȏ)
Declension of до
Derived terms
Etymology 3
- IPA(key): /dôː/
до̑ m (Latin spelling dȏ)