Definition 2025
кӏыты́р (ḳɨtɨ́r)
- nose
- кӏытыр фыр кири ― ḳɨtɨr fɨr kiri ― то blow one’s nose
Derived terms
- кӏытыри (ḳɨtɨri, “nasal, of nose”, adjective)
- Asatrian, Garnik (2014), “‘Nose’ in Armenian”, in Iran and the Caucasus, volume 18, issue 2, page 148
- Ganijeva, F. A. (2002), “кӏытыр”, in Xinalugsko-russkij slovarʹ [Khinalug–Russian Dictionary] (Bespisʹmennyje jazyki Dagestana), Makhachkala: Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, page 197a
- Klimov, G. A.; Xalilov, M. Š. (2003) Slovarʹ kavkazskix jazykov. Sopostavlenije osnovnoj leksiki [Dictionary of Caucasian Languages. A comparison of the Basic Vocabulary] (in Russian), Moscow: Vostochnaya Literatura, ISBN 5-02-018283-4, page 88
- Kassian, A. (2013), “Annotated Swadesh wordlists for the Khinalug group (North Caucasian family)”, in The Global Lexicostatistical Database, 61. NOSE
- Nikolayev, S. L.; Starostin, S. A. (1994), “*ḳwēmṭī”, in A North Caucasian Etymological Dictionary, Moscow: Asterisk Publishers, page 733