Definition 2025




Alternative forms

  • վոչ (vočʿ) (reformed orthography spelling in 1922–1940)


ոչ (očʿ)

  1. (formal) no
    ոչ...ոչočʿ...očʿ ― neither...nor
    ոչ ոքočʿ okʿ ― no one, nobody
    ոչ երբեքočʿ erbekʿ ― never, at no time
    ոչ էլočʿ ēl ― neither
    ոչ իսկočʿ isk ― not even
    ոչ միայնočʿ miayn ― not only
    ոչ ապաքենočʿ apakʿen ― isn’t it?
    ոչ բարովočʿ barov ― expression of regret, also used ironically
    ոչ է...ոչ էočʿ ē...očʿ ē ― expression of despair, especially in an uncertain situation
    ոչ է ծիծաղեմ, ոչ է լաց լինեմočʿ ē cicałem, očʿ ē lacʿ linem ― I don’t know whether to laugh or cry; I’m at a loss for words
    ոչ ու փուչočʿ u pʿučʿ ― useless, undisciplined
    ոչ ու փուչ անելočʿ u pʿučʿ anel ― to destroy, to ruin
    ոչ ե՛ս, ոչ դո՛ւočʿ és, očʿ dú ― let’s end our friendship, our acquaintance
    ոչ-ոքիočʿ-okʿi(sports) draw, tie
  2. not
  3. neither, nor

