Definition 2025



See also: פּורים


Proper noun

פּוּרִים (Purím) m

  1. Purim.

Usage notes

  • Like other words that start with ב, ג, ד, כ, פ, or ת, this term's initial letter takes a dagesh lene. In older texts, that dagesh is usually dropped when the word is preceded, in the same phrase, by a word ending in a mater lectionis; in modern texts, the dagesh is usually preserved even in such a case. Likewise, in older texts, the dagesh is always dropped when the word is prefixed by an indefinite ב־, כ־, or ל־, or by ו־; in modern speech, the dagesh is often preserved in such a case. (After the definite ב־, כ־, and ל־, and after the prefixes ה־, מ־, and ש־, there is a dagesh forte, as described in the usage notes for those prefixes.)


פּוּרִים (purím) m pl

  1. (The addition of quotations indicative of this usage is being sought): Plural indefinite form of פּוּר (púr).


Proper noun

פורים (Purim, Purem)

  1. (nonstandard) Unpointed form of פּורים (purim).