Definition 2025
See also: صب

Uromastyx microlepis
ضَبّ • (ḍabb) m (plural ضِبَاب (ḍibāb), feminine ضَبَّة (ḍabba))
- spiny-tailed lizard (any lizard of the genus Uromastyx)
- Letter of Ya'qūb-i Layth to Abbasid Caliph Al-Mu'tamid, written by the poet Ibrāhim ibn Mamshādh
- أنا ابن الأكارم من نسل جم
وحائز إرث ملوك العجم - ...
- فقل لبني هاشم أجمعين
هلموا إلى الخلع قبل الندم - ملكناكم عنَة بالرما
ح طعناً وضرباً بسيف خذم - واولاكم الملك آباؤنا
فما ان وفيتم بشكر النعم - فعودوا الى ارضكم بالحجاز
لاكل الضباب ورعي الغنم - فاني ساعلو سرير الملوك
بحد الحسام وحرف القلم- I am the son of the noble descendants of Jam, and the inheritance of the kings of Persia has fallen to my lot.
- (...)
- Say then to all sons of Hāshim [Abbasids]: Abdicate quickly, before you will have reason to be sorry.
- We have conquered you by force, by the thrusts of our spears and the blows of our sharpswords.
- Our fathers gave you your kingdom, but you showed no gratitude for our benefactions.
- So, return to your own soil in Hijaz [Arabia], to eat lizards and to graze your sheep;
- For I shall mount on the throne of the kings, by the edge of my sword and the point of my pen.
- أنا ابن الأكارم من نسل جم
- Letter of Ya'qūb-i Layth to Abbasid Caliph Al-Mu'tamid, written by the poet Ibrāhim ibn Mamshādh
Declension of noun ضَبّ (ḍabb)
Singular | basic singular triptote | ||
Indefinite | Definite | Construct | |
Informal | ضَبّ ḍabb |
الضَّبّ aḍ-ḍabb |
ضَبّ ḍabb |
Nominative | ضَبٌّ ḍabbun |
الضَّبُّ aḍ-ḍabbu |
ضَبُّ ḍabbu |
Accusative | ضَبًّا ḍabban |
الضَّبَّ aḍ-ḍabba |
ضَبَّ ḍabba |
Genitive | ضَبٍّ ḍabbin |
الضَّبِّ aḍ-ḍabbi |
ضَبِّ ḍabbi |
Dual | Indefinite | Definite | Construct |
Informal | ضَبَّيْن ḍabbayn |
الضَّبَّيْن aḍ-ḍabbayn |
ضَبَّيْ ḍabbay |
Nominative | ضَبَّانِ ḍabbāni |
الضَّبَّانِ aḍ-ḍabbāni |
ضَبَّا ḍabbā |
Accusative | ضَبَّيْنِ ḍabbayni |
الضَّبَّيْنِ aḍ-ḍabbayni |
ضَبَّيْ ḍabbay |
Genitive | ضَبَّيْنِ ḍabbayni |
الضَّبَّيْنِ aḍ-ḍabbayni |
ضَبَّيْ ḍabbay |
Plural | basic broken plural triptote | ||
Indefinite | Definite | Construct | |
Informal | ضِبَاب ḍibāb |
الضِّبَاب aḍ-ḍibāb |
ضِبَاب ḍibāb |
Nominative | ضِبَابٌ ḍibābun |
الضِّبَابُ aḍ-ḍibābu |
ضِبَابُ ḍibābu |
Accusative | ضِبَابًا ḍibāban |
الضِّبَابَ aḍ-ḍibāba |
ضِبَابَ ḍibāba |
Genitive | ضِبَابٍ ḍibābin |
الضِّبَابِ aḍ-ḍibābi |
ضِبَابِ ḍibābi |
- English: dabb lizard
- ابن منظور. «الضَّبَّةُ»، لسان العرب.
- ياقوت الحموي. «إبراهيم بن ممشاذ أبو إسحاق المتوكلي الأصبهاني»، معجم الأدباء.
- Meisami, Julie Scott. Persian Historiography:To the End of the Twelfth Century. Edinburgh University Press, 1999. ISBN 0748612769. p. 116.