Definition 2025
ق ب ل
ق ب ل (q-b-l)
- related to front
- related to acceptance
Derived terms
- Form I: قَبِلَ (qabila)
- Form II: قَبَّلَ (qabbala)
- Verbal noun: تَقْبِيل (taqbīl)
- Active participle: مُقَبِّل (muqabbil)
- Passive participle: مُقَبَّل (muqabbal)
- Form III: قَابَلَ (qābala)
- Verbal noun: مُقَابَلَة (muqābala), قِبَال (qibāl)
- Active participle: مُقَابِل (muqābil)
- Passive participle: مُقَابَل (muqābal)
- Form IV: أَقْبَلَ (ʾaqbala)
- Verbal noun: إِقْبَال (ʾiqbāl)
- Active participle: مُقْبِل (muqbil)
- Passive participle: مُقْبَل (muqbal)
- Form V: تَقَبَّلَ (taqabbala)
- Verbal noun: تَقَبُّل (taqabbul)
- Active participle: مُتَقَبِّل (mutaqabbil)
- Passive participle: مُتَقَبَّل (mutaqabbal)
- Form VI: تَقَابَلَ (taqābala)
- Verbal noun: تَقَابُل (taqābul)
- Active participle: مُتَقَابِل (mutaqābil)
- Passive participle: مُتَقَابَل (mutaqābal)
- Form VIII: اِقْتَبَلَ (iqtabala)
- Verbal noun: اِقْتِبَال (iqtibāl)
- Active participle: مُقْتَبِل (muqtabil)
- Passive participle: مُقْتَبَل (muqtabal)
- Form X: اِسْتَقْبَلَ (istaqbala)
- Verbal noun: اِسْتِقْبَال (istiqbāl)
- Active participle: مُسْتَقْبِل (mustaqbil)
- Passive participle: مُسْتَقْبَل (mustaqbal)